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-Why are you calling me, dad? -I ask. He takes a while to respond. - You shouldn't be calling me, how did you get my number?

- I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be calling you, Bernardo gave me your number. - He says. - He told me that you are married, and you are very well off. Congratulations.

-Why would Bernardo give you my number? - I ask a little altered.

-I came back from rehab, and I looked for him... - He says. - I'm sorry for everything I put you through, I just wanted to...

-What? To apologize? - I interrupt him. - Do not call me Anymore. - I close the call.

I sit on a bench that was in Duda's small garden. I haven't seen my father since that night. In fact, I saw him on the day of his trial, he got a low sentence, he claimed to be a drug addict. So they sent him to rehab.

But after that he never contacted us. I was already used to life away from him, my mother was very happy and my brother? What the hell does he have in mind to give him my number?

I look at my cell phone and there is a missed call from Vini. And then some messages from him.

Hi love, is everything okay there?

I tried to call you, but you were
on another call.

I call him as soon as I see his message.

- Hi love, were you on a work call? - He asks.

- Hey love. Yes, it was just a work call. - I lie. - How are things here?

- They're great, it's very hot here. - He says. - I just arrived at the hotel, where are the children?

- They are playing with Duda and Lucas' children. - I say. - Benício and Filippo were dying to meet them.

-Great my love. - He speaks. - I was thinking. After I get back, I'm going to take a few weeks off. We could visit your brother. - Go to France? Where is my father? Step.

- Love, we could go somewhere else. - I say. - Somewhere new, you know?

- Love, you've been asking me to go to France together for months. - He says. - Besides, I already spoke to your mother about it. I would like children to know the country you grew up in and your family. - He says.

-But... - I am interrupted by the same thing.

-They're calling me, send a kiss to the children and a hug to Duda. - He says. - I love you. - Before I could hide he ends the call.

I go back inside and talk to Duda again. We stayed there the whole afternoon, until Lucas got home from training.

Then I take the kids to a hotel we were going to. They couldn't stop talking about Duda and Lucas' children. They really enjoyed playing with them and that made me very happy.

As soon as we returned to the Hotel, the children fell asleep. And I sat down to start working. Now the kids are going to school in three weeks. I can focus a little on my career.

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