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After two days, Vinicius managed to complete the paperwork for the two little boys. I was so happy to finally be realizing my dream.

I called Ava, my best friend, to come help me with things and also meet the kids.

Zuri Durand Júnior.

Zeke Durand Júnior.

Our children.

At this exact moment, Ava, Vinícius and I were rushing to make their little room as special as possible.

We wouldn't be able to leave the two of them in different rooms. So we divided the room in half and decorated it with different colors.

My mother-in-law and my mother were in the kitchen. Along with their husbands. We were all here at this special moment. Even Nuno... Vinicius' younger brother.

-How old is the little boy? - Nuno asks, bringing a box of teddy bears to Zuri's side.

- 7 years. – Vinicius responds, taking the teddy bears and arranging them on Zuri's bed. – Bring Zeke's toy box here. - Vinicius orders.

-You are crazy? You adopted a boy without knowing anything about him.- Nuno returns with the box that his brother asked for.

-It's good that we are the parents. - I say finishing organizing the children's wardrobe. - Now shut up and work.

-Yes ma'am. - Nuno says, taking Zeke's toys and organizing them in the toy box.

After organizing the room, Ava and Nuno left the room, leaving my husband and I alone. I stop and look around the room.

-You're not going to cry, right, love? - He says hugging me and kissing my forehead. – Save your crying when they call you mommy.

-I'm trying not to cry... - I say hugging him tighter. – Vinícius. – I move away to face him without letting go of my hands from his. - Thanks.

-You don't have to thank me, love. - He says smiling. - You are the most special person in my life. My favorite person. – He hugs me. - I would do anything for you.

-I love you. - I say.

-I love you. - We kissed. And we heard knocking on the door. It's Ava.

-They arrived guys! - I run to the living room, pulling Vinicius with me. The director of the adoption agency is holding hands with the children.

Zuri looks at me and smiles, then runs over and hugs me. I pick it up and give it to Vini.

The director greets us and leaves Zeke with Vinicius' mother. Vinicius picks up Zeke and looks at me.

- Zeke! Zuri! This is your new family! - I say pointing at everyone and them. – Now you're going to see your room.

Vinícius and I took them both to the room while the rest of the family followed us. As soon as they both see the room, we place them on the floor and they both go to their beds smiling.

The rest of our family went to the kitchen, leaving Vinícius and I alone with the children. I sit on the bed next to Zeke who is looking at the toy car.

I look at Vinicius who is hugging Zuri and playing with the teddy bear.

He's happy. I'm happy.

We would finally have a family.

We would finally have a family

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