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I wake up to the sound of something banging in the kitchen. I think it's Ava cooking. I ended up sleeping here in her apartment, which used to be mine.

I told her everything that had happened, she said it was normal, couples fight. Not that Vinicius and I never had a fight, we had several. But what he said to me really hurt me.

I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom. Ava let me wear some of her clothes, so I take a shower and tie my hair into a bun. When I look in the mirror I realize that the clothes are mine, Ava stole them from me.

I pick up my cell phone, which is about to discharge. 22 missed calls from Vini. He must have tried to call me when he noticed I left the house.

I go to the kitchen and see Ava with the frying pan in her hand.

-Since you came here at the last minute, you make breakfast. - She orders and sits down. I start cooking. – Are you better?- She asks.

-I am. - I answer. I make an egg and tomato omelet for her and me. She takes an orange juice from the fridge and serves it to me.

We started eating without saying anything to each other. Which is very strange because we always have something to talk about.

-Fuck, Jade! - Ava speaks. - Talk to me! We don't do that to each other. We have been best friends since we were 6 years old. You can tell me everything.

- I already told you what happened yesterday. – I tell her, eating a piece of the omelet.

-Okay, your boyfriend left you alone. His hot teammate came to comfort you. Your boyfriend got jealous. You fought. And you showed up here at my house at 1 am. - She summed it up.

-That's exactly what happened. - I say putting my plate in the dishwasher. – We fought, I told him that nothing had happened, he didn't believe it and I threw it in his face that he was with other beautiful and perfect girls. - I start to cry. - And do you know what he told me? He told me I had to get used to it.

She comes to me and hugs me.

-Get used? Do I have to get used to seeing the love of my life hug, talk, laugh and have fun with several women prettier than me? - I say. - That's not fair.

-He said that? - Ava asks and I say. -He's completely wrong about that. And I think he owes you an apology. If he truly loves you, he needs a chance to redeem himself.

-I don't want to talk to him. – I say wiping away the tears.

-So do not speak. - She says. - I have to go to work, but you can stay as long as you want. You really have the key. -She says kissing my cheek. She takes her bag and leaves.

I lie down in the living room and think about what I would do to pass the time. I remember that my mother is in town. She and Alex are traveling together.

I text her, asking if we could have lunch together. She says yes and we meet at our favorite restaurant.

As soon as she sees me she smiles and hugs me. She looks so beautiful, she always has been, but she is radiant. I think it's the travel. After she and Alex got married, they kept traveling to unusual places.

-You look so beautiful,honey ! - She says as we sit at the table. She missed it so much.

-Me too, mom. - I say. - How is Alex? - I ask.

-He's great, he misses you so much, he couldn't make it. - She says. - We can arrange to go out any day.

-I would really like it. – I say.

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