𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚖𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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Days changed into nights, nights changed into days and finally the day of basketball match arrived.And Jake did got a day off not only that but a full week off because Jake was very passionate and hardworking person and there seemed no important schedule to be done in the week.The CEO of the company was very pleased with Jake's work and also said that he deserved to have some relaxation. So here he was, at his cousin's university to attend the basketball match and to meet the person to whom he wants him to meet.

He sat on one of the front seats so that he could enjoy and watch the game clearly. The match was between seniors of various streams. There surely were many people, mostly girls or you could say fangirls, who knew nothing about basketball but still came just to see the boys play, sweat and lift their jersey, flashing their abs and ofcourse the players would act cool cause they know that the girls are there. Just like the phrase 'Girls are there, act cool'. But that's just their act cause later on they turn out to be a fool.

So back to the story. The match started and Jake caught Ethan in the team of arts stream. Not gonna lie he did have a nice body plus visuals and boy he was a man written by a woman, totally well mannered, anyone would fall for him. The match reminded him of his own high school days. He used to be boy crush of his rugby team.
Just like others in the crowd he cheered, especially for Ethan who scored just after that. Just then he saw him wink and blow a kiss to the crowd or maybe a person but it was obviously impossible for him to find the particular person in the crowd.
Minutes later match came to an end which was won by Ethan's team.

Jake waited for Ethan to come outside of the changing room. He was excited to meet the person cause it's his first time seeing his cousin having interest in someone. Ethan seemed to have no interest in anyone despite being famous at University. He was a well known person and obviously no one can ignore his visuals.

He patiently sat on a bench and waited a little longer until he heard the door opening and there is cousin came outside.

"Woah! Jake you really came". Ethan excitedly hugged the other.

"Ofcourse how could I not come after all your stubbornness and your sulking". Jake smirked teasingly.

"Yah! I am older than you, have some respect man". Ethan jokingly yelled.

" But I already got job and you are still in the university" Jake again teased his older".

" That's because you are an idol and a producer". Ethan complained.

" Still a job though " Jake said that nonchalantly .

" I can understand that you can become an idol when you are still young, but I can't understand how could you become an official producer of the company at a young age and this even in short period of time"Ethan was surprised at his cousin's achievements.

" That's talent bro talent ". Jake praised himself.

"Yeah yeah you talentad bitc-"

"Ah ah before you could continue that sentence, care to tell me when are you going to introduce me to the person you want me to meet". Jake intrupted.

"Oh yes, I totally forgot about that, wait I will text him and ask where he is". He took out his phone to text the person.

" Jake, he said he will be coming at rooftop, let's go up there". And then they proceeded to the rooftop. After a while they reached there. It was a sunny day but not hot. A perfect day for outdoor picnic, you could say that. Cool Breeze of air was flowing making their hair flow with the rhythms of the breeze like a kdrama, like it was paid actor. Jake really enjoyed it, especially after his hectic an tiring schedules. He let out a relaxed breath. That's when his attention went to a boy standing few metres away facing his back towards them,but few seconds later he turned around. He had a great visuals, pretty fierce eyes, silky and bouncy hair.

" Oh are you Jake"? The boy questioned.
" Hey!he is older than you". Ethan lightly scolded the boy.

"Sorry Jake-ssi I didn't know that, by the way my name is Jungwon, Yang Jungwon". Jungwon bowed at Jake .

"No no it's okay you probably didn't know and you can call me hyung". Jake assured Jungwon.

"Ethan..so this is the boy you were talking about". Jake asked .

"Actually no, he is his best friend he might be on his way". Ethan answered.

The door click was heard at that time as well as a voice.

"Heeseung hyung, you called me"? The person finally came in front of them. And that voice was the voice that was very familiar to Jake. That face that he hadn't seen in years but remembered very perfectly and clearly. It was like the world stoped working, nothing seem to move for Jake. His eyes refused to blink, heartbeats increased just in seconds, his legs were stucked at the same place where he stood but Ethan or also known as Heeseung said something and that sentence brought him out of his imaginary world.

"Jake meet my beloved boyfriend..Ni-ki". He introduced his boyfriend smiling while wrapping his arms around others shoulders.

And then Jake's heart Shattered into pieces like a glass. he never thought or even expected to meet his ex like this as is cousin's boyfriend. His mind thought and convinced itself that he had already moved on but his heart said otherwise. Ni-ki also stopped functioning but then Jake offered his hand that was in his pocket to shake it.

" Hi I am Jake well Sim Jaeyun in Korean. He introduced himself to Ni-ki.
" Hi I am Ni-ki, full name Nishimura Riki". And he finally shook his hands with Jake.It was like a deja vu.


It was the first day of the school in a new session. As much as Jake hated to come school, he also liked to make new friends and the main reason he came was to be able to use music room and free instruments, that's why he skipped the classes and went up to the rooftop to spend his time. Hands inside the pocket and whistling, he roamed around the placein peace and silence. But the silence was interrupted by a weird sound. Curiously he turned towards the sound and shockingly saw a boy maybe 9th grade student climbing up on the railing net. Jake panicked and went to the boy wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and brought him down. Loosing their balance they both fail with Jake on the top of the boy. He looked down and saw the boy's face and his features. He had a unique face clearly not Korean . He was fair, moles scattered beautifully around his face and one below his lips. His lips were pouty like a duckling. Jake was really mesmerized by the boy's beauty and the soft wind that made his hair flow with it even made him more pretty and simply enhanced his beauty.

"Hey mind if you get off me please ,you are heavy"Jake came out of his world into reality and realised that the boy was jumping across the railing net earlier.

" I will but shouldn't you dumb boy be thankful of your life instead of thinking to jump off the rooftop and try to kill yourself". Jake yelled at the kid, still on top of him.

"What! what are you talking about, I was just trying to get the candy that was drop other side of the net and there is still plenty of place ahead the net so how could you think I was thinking of jumping of and killing myself". The kid yelled back.

Hearing this Jake looked the other side of the net and damn the boy was right, there was a candy dropped the other side.

"But why would you do such a risky thing just for a candy". Jake said .

"Cause it was made by my mom and she is in Japan. She sent that specially for me. The kid's face dropped , he seemed sad.

"Oh". Now Jake was embarrassed. He stood up and helped the boy to stand up too.

" Then sorry kid I got panicked that's why I did that by the way hi I am Jake well Sim Jaeyun in Korean". Jake offered his hand to shake it with other.

"Hi I am Ni-ki, full name Nishimura Riki from Japan". Ni-ki finally shook his hands with Jake.

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