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Jake created a misunderstanding. Yes it was true. Did he and Sunghoon clear it? The answer would be no because both Jake and Sunghoon again became busy in their schedules.

It was already the season of autumn. The leaves of the trees had turned little golden-yellowish fell over the ground, making a beautiful carpet of leaves. It is said that autumn is the hardest season. The leaves all fall. And the way they fall seems like they are falling in love with the ground. The weather had now become more windy but it was a perfect timing for some sweet outdoor activities.

Sunghoon was actually not a romantic person. He was just opposite of that, a total anti-romantic. But seeing his bestfriend's state, he did some research and found how romantic was the current season. He cringed and fake gaged at the thought of the romance but in reality he would do anything for Jake. And after thinking for hours, he got a plan. He will be matchmaking someone with Jake.

" Which friend should I matchmake him with?"He thought. " Oh yeah! He would be perfect." He suddenly got excited. " Now it's time to gather people." He smiled like a maniac. "Hehe, that's gonna be fun." He grinned excitedly while dialing Jake's number. After few rings Jake picked up the call.

"Hey! What's up rat." Jake said.

" And what are you, a dog?" Sunghoon argued.

" Ok ok I will stop, so why did you call me?"Jake asked.

"Are you free this weekend?" Sunghoon asked to which Jake hummed.

"So I was planning to go out somewhere for a day maybe like a trip, you could consider that. What do you think?" Sunghoon expressed his idea.

"I think it's a good plan. Yeah I would go to trip" Jake agreed.

"With whom are you planning to go on trip without me?" Another voice was heard and it was Heeseung's.

"Sunghoon has planned a trip this weekend ". Jake answered him.

" Sunghoon can I and my friend Jay come with you?" Heeseung asked.

" Uhm sure why not, you can." Sunghoon said. He was about to cut the call.

" Wait Sunghoon can I bring Ni-ki too, I have become too used of his company, I will feel bad if I don't take him with me". Heeseung said.

Sunghoon was hesitant at first but at last he agreed." Ok then , I will text you all where we have to meet ." Sunghoon said and cut the call.
" It wouldn't be bad if Ni-ki goes there too right. It's about matchmaking Jake, it will go ok I guess."He talked to himself.

Weekend came and Sunghoon was very excited. He had already messaged everyone to gather at his house. He waited for them , as they started to reach . First it was Jake along with Heeseung, Jay and Ni-ki, who had brought his friend Jungwon along with him. When all of them finally reached, Sunghoon introduced his friends whose name was Sunoo.

They packed everything that they would need and got into camper van.  Sunghoon took the driver seat .

" Heeseung hyung, I know you are dating Ni-ki and you are very fond of him but this trip is about friendship so for now you sit with Jay cause even though I find you both disgustingly cute, I cannot bear your all lovey-dovey actions for long." Sunghoon declared.

All laughed and then Heeseung started talking." Come on I know you are just jealous because you can't sit with Jake isn't it".

" It's not that-. " Sunghoon got interrupted .

" I understand hoon, I agree to sit with Jay." Heeseung said not giving Sunghoon chance to say anything. He sighed and silently glared Jake who was the reason behind the misunderstanding.

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