Chapter 15 {Book 2}

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Two Years Later.........

James ~

It had been two years since I'd seen my twin brother, Neko. I missed him so much. These two years have been the hardest thing any of us had ever gone through. Noami had been sent to a rehab center and her family had been sent away to a witness protection house because, apparently, Noami had gotten involved in some very bad people and her family was now in danger.

Ryan had gotten kicked out of the school after he was caught having abused my brother, and he was later arrested on two accounts of statutory rape. And me, well I was stuck living with my homophobic parents who had tried to brainwash themselves into believing that nothing was wrong with our family and that their "perfect son" wasn't in love with his brother. But, the problem was, I was very much still in love with my brother. I had tried so hard to move on from him. I had gotten myself a girlfriend and I had tried to love her, but I just couldn't. I was slowly moving on from Neko, but he seemed to be on my mind all the time.

I had recently become friends with Scott's boyfriend, Silver, who was devastated over his boyfriend's absence. Speaking of Silver, I had completely forgotten he was talking to me.


"Huh?" I whispered, dazed.

"JAMES, I was calling you for the past ten minutes! What were you thinking about?" My ears flattened against my head. I had persuaded myself that if I didn't talk about my problems, then they didn't exist.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about Hunter." Hunter was a new kid in our school, and he seemed dangerous, so naturally everyone stayed clear of him.

"That weird wolf?? He gives me a heart attack daily! You should have seen him yesterday when I walked pass him.." I rolled my eyes as silver continued with one of his famous 'I'm going to take seven hours to tell you this story, so pay attention' stories. That's exactly why I zoned out.


"James!! Clean out your brother's old room." My mother bellowed from downstairs. I sighed.

Why did they need me to clean out his room anyways? He wasn't coming back until he was "straight". My brother was a flaming homo. There was no way he'd be coming back, especially not here. My parents were crazy.. They were the ones who had sent him away anyways. He'd be crazy to come back here.

"Why?" I yelled back downstairs.



"James! Get the door!"

"But, I'm upstairs!!" I yelled back.


I groaned and thumped down the stairs, and opened the door.

There, in front of me, was the most beautiful person I could ever hope to see. His ears twitched and his tail curled around his thighs, like always.

"N-Neko..." I whispered.



For two years I'd been taught how wrong I was about being in love with my brother. Hell if I believed them at first, but after the last test they'd done, I started to just believe it. I was completely wrong by being in love with my brother. That was frowned upon everywhere. But I wasn't going to admit that I was wrong for being gay, because I wasn't. I was still very much a flaming homosexual, and I'd never admit to any different. They may have beat into me that gay was wrong, but I knew I wasn't straight. I'd just never mess with my brother again. I pretended to be straight to get out of being through the horrible treatment, but I was still gay, and they would never change that. No matter how many electric shocks or beatings I'd received.

But god, seeing my brother after so many years apart brought out so many feelings in me, and I just wanted to jump into his arms and smash my lips to his. But I couldn't. I reminded myself. I wasn't attracted to him.

"N-Neko..." James whispered. His beautiful, pink lips opened in awe and I resisted the urge to close his lips. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I hissed in silent pain. My back still hurt from my last punishment, in order to get me to admit that I wasn't gay. After that last one, I had fiercely admitted that I was straight and I kept it up for six months until I was announced cured and allowed to leave. My back still hadn't healed completely.

"Neko!" My mother came to the door, and scooped me up in her arms, hugging me tightly. I watched my brother scowl beside us, and I snickered softly.

"Neko, come inside. We've got a lot to talk about before you put your stuff back in your old room." I nodded and followed my mother into the living room. God, I hoped I didn't have to regret this.


A/N : Howdy everyone, I haven't rebooted the first part of the book yet, but I plan on it soon. How did you like this chapter? I know a few of you really liked Silver so HEHE c: Anyways, bye my darlings!!

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