Chapter 13

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As much as I hated the thought of Ryan and Neko, it fascinated me. Neko had been beaten by him. hell, I'd gone through some of his torture. I knew that Neko and James had had problems, and even if he did cheat on Neko with my sis, he was the better choice for a sweetheart like Neko. I decided not to to dwell on that, and just be fake happy for Neko. in all seriousness I was afraid for him. Ryan and Neko stood up abruptly and Ryan pulled him away.

Neko gave me a small smile and a little wave. my heart clenched in my chest. I became even more worried when James stood up and ran after him. I started to follow them, but decided against it. I just hoped James got to him before Ryan hurt Neko.. I loved Neko, and my heart always sped when I was with him, but I also knew that I couldn't be with him. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I'd been growing my hair, and it fell down to my nose on one side and to the middle of my eye on the other. I stood up and walked outside. I still had a sandwich with me and I was about to sit down so I could eat it, but instead, was tackled to the ground.

I looked around for whatever or whoever knocked me down, but I couldn't find anything or anyone. I looked for my sandwich and stooped to pick it up from the ground, when I heard growling. hesitantly, I looked up into beautiful eyes; they flashed silver. I met the eyes of the stunning white wolf. She had a completely white body, but a grey snout with dark grey freckles.

"What do you want?" I cried hesitantly. she was a beautiful wolf, but she looked hungry, and I was hoping I wouldn't be on the menu.

"My name is silver." the wolf replied, her voice like a sweet melody.

"Hi there silver.." I replied a little more than worried. she growled and sniffed my sandwich before eating it.

"I just wanted the sandwich." she replied sounding shaken. she turned to run away, and I grabbed her arm.

"Wait miss, don't go." I replied awkwardly. I had never liked a girl before.

"I'm not a girl." the he who I thought was a she said.

"Oh.. sorry." I replied awkwardly.

"It's okay, I'm used to it" silver said smiling.

"Why have I never seen you at my school before?" I asked before adding "I'm scott, by the way.". Silver smiled at me sadly.

"I don't go to school, I'm a stray." he smiled again sadly and I hugged him. he froze for the count of a heartbeat then hugged me back, his head below my chin. he licked my nose deliberately and smiled, before frowning and running away. I sighed as I thought about silver. he was perfect in every way. then I realized I had no way of contacting him.

"come back tomorrow!" I yelled after him. he nodded and ran into the woods. I sighed with newfound happiness, and walked back inside and my eyes widened at the sight before me. neko was naked and bleeding in James' arms while noami and Ryan stood around them bleeding. James had blood all over him as he defended neko protectively. I broke out into a run, praying neko was ok. 


How was that?!? Omgggg Okay, so sorry for the late update, but I still have alot going on. :) Thanks for reading it!! Oh and uhm shout out to @slowlybleedinglback  Your character made it into the story, excited? Happy? Good!!!

Question of the day: What happened to Neko?!? 

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