Chapter 12✨

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Nothing else to say but enjoyyy!


Isabella's pov

"Go drop your bags girls, then meet me in the kitchen" Dad told us and I made my way upstairs with Cassie following me
We finally got to my room which by the way hasn't been slept in ever soooo yeah

"Go drop your bags girls, then meet me in the kitchen" Dad told us and I made my way upstairs with Cassie following meWe finally got to my room which by the way hasn't been slept in ever soooo yeah

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"We can drop the bags in the closet" I said while making my way to the closet and dropping my bags in
"Your room is nice" Cassie said looking around and sitting on my bed
"Thanks but I never sleep in it" I said sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck
"Same with me. I always sleep with my Dad or Dante" Cassie squealed enthusiastically. She jumped up and rushed towards the door

"Come on, let's go see if we can get Uncle Steph to give us ice-cream" She said before she turned back and practically yanked me off my bed
"But Dad's gonna give us after dinner" I said while trying to catch my footing and we both walked out the door
"Yeah I guess.. buttt... let's go ask him anyways"

Cassie skipped towards the kitchen while I walked beside her. When we were about to enter the kitchen, she turned to me and said
"Follow my lead" before walking in with me following her

Dad was in the process of cutting some veggies when we came in. While Cassie excitedly walked towards him, I casually sat down on the kitchen island chair that I had finally learnt how to sit on watching her
"Sooo Uncle Steph" Cassie started and Dad hummed to signify that he was listening to her
"The most caring and most thoughtful and most generous uncle in whole wide big round world" Cassie said while using hand gestures to prove her point

Dad gave her a glance before looking at me with a questioning look. I was about to shrug but my eyes caught the stern look Cassie was giving me
I gulped before clearing my throat
"Yeah the best dad in the universe of universes" I laughed nervously. Dad sighed

"Okay, what do you girls want?" Dad asked but I'm pretty sure he already knew where this was heading to
"Ice-cream please" Cassie answered sounding innocent. Wasn't she the one that dragged me into the bribery for the ice-cream?
"After dinner" Dad answered turning back to pour the veggies into a pot
Ha I told her

"Go and watch some TV while I finish making dinner"
"Okay" Cassie answered for both of us and walked enthusiastically towards me. I jumped down from my chair and hooked my arm with Cassie's before turning to give Dad a smile

Cassie scrolled through the movies on Netflix while I watched, waiting for her to pick one
"Have you watched Harry potter before?" She asked stopping on one
"Nope" I answered making her gasp very dramatically
"We are so binge watching it" She clicked play before slouching on the couch getting comfortable

Time skip,

After dinner and ice-cream, Cassie and I got ready for bed. We were sitting on my bed while watching Harry Potter:The Chamber of Secrets. We had finished the Philosopher's Stone downstairs before moving upstairs with a lot of snacks.

A knock sounded before Dad opened the door
"Cassie, your dad's on the line" Cassie jumped up and took the phone from Dad

Cassie's pov

"Hey dad" I squealed out while dad chuckled on the other end
"How are you Sandra?"
"I'm good. Isa and I had some ice-cream and now we're binge watching Harry potter cause she wasn't watched it before and we can't have that"
"Of course we can't" Dad went silent for a few seconds before saying
"Are you gonna be okay, tonight?" His voice laced with concern
"Yeah I think so. But don't worry I'll be fine" I quickly said while adding the last sentence
"Okay. Dante wants to speak to you" The line went silent again before it erupted with Dante's voice

"Hey Cass"
"Hey" I replied glumly
"What if I can't sleep Danny?" I said with my voice cracking a little. Tears pricked my eyes but I blinked them away
"Hey hey don't worry. I'm guessing you didn't see my little surprise huh?"
"What?" I rubbed my eyes and sniffed a little
"Go over to your bag and check the zipper that's at the left side"

I walked over to the closet where I left my bag noticing that Isa and Uncle Steph were not in the room with me anymore.
I opened the bag and searched for the zipper that Dante told me about. I found it and zipped it open
"Thank you"
"You're welcome Cass and don't worry you'll be fine, okay?"
"Okay, I love you"
"I love you too Cass"

The call ended and I hugged Danny's sweatshirt tight. I quickly put it on while getting up. I picked up Uncle Steph's phone and went to his room.
I walked straight in cause the door was wide open

Uncle Steph was sitting on his bed with his laptop while Isa was spread out on the floor staring at the ceiling or something
"Thanks Uncle Steph" I said while making my way to him and climbing over Isa in the process
"Did it help?" He asked and I gave him a single nod filled with energy. I think I shook my brain a little though
"A lot" I sighed in relief and gave him back his phone
"Good night Uncle Steph" I stood up to give him a hug while Isa gave him a kiss on his cheek finally snapping out of her daze
"Good night Dad" Isa said

"Good night girls. Don't stay up to late" Uncle Steph said in a playful tone cause I'm pretty sure he knows that we're not going to do that
"We'll try" I said while Isa just shrugged then we went to Isa's room to continue Harry potter: Chamber of Secrets.
We finished Harry potter:The Prisoner of Askaban before we slept off


Hey hey people. So sorry for the late update. I got caught up in school. But don't worry about a thing cause imma try update 3 chapters this week and this was the first, so 2 more to go.

Thanks for reading. Pls vote or comment on your thoughts

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