ᰔᩚ Levi- Move Forward

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Move Forward

"Hey get up." You hear a familiar voice bark at you. You ignore it and tighten the blanket around you, trying to hide from his cold glare.

"Damn it I said get up!" This time he yells at you and you can hear his boots stomp over to you. You feel his harsh gaze look down upon you, standing beside your bed.

You continue to stay silent, unable to squeak out any meaningful words. This seems to anger him more as he swiftly grabs onto your blanket and yanks it away from your cold and nearly lifeless hands.

You stare up at him blankly, you couldn't care less what he did to you now, there was no point in living. This world is hell and you've finally succumbed.

"Please get up, you need to move forward, you know this!" His shouts turn into pleads as he stares into your empty eyes.

"why" You mumble, just barely over a whisper.

"What did you say?" He asks staring down at you in horror.

"WHY? GOD DAMNIT WHY?" You shout, shooting up from your fetal position. You stand up looking down at the man in front of you, waiting for an honest answer.

"Because that's the only way to move on." He says, staring up at you. You wince in pain as you feel a sharp stab at your heart, you're reminded by the horrific scenes that unfolded just a mere day ago.

"Move on? MOVE ON?" You shout at him with tears in your eyes. His eyes follow your every move as you slowly collapse back down onto your bed. With your head hung low between your legs you shake your head frantically as tears begin to stream.

"Please Levi just leave me here, just let me rot away." You mumble just loud enough for him to hear.

You listen as he slowly walks away, closing the door behind him. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding and let your body collapse into your bed. Slowly you curl up and finally get your tears to slow.

After what feels like forever of laying motionless, contemplating your entire life you hear the door slowly creak open. You glance over to see who is disturbing your self pity.

Of course it was none other than Levi Ackerman. This time he had a tray with him. On the tray was two cups of tea and a piece of bread with some kind of spread on it. Slowly he pulled a small table that was discarded on the floor towards your bed, placing the tray gently on it.

You watch his every move cautiously, unaware of his motive. You watch as he stomps towards you with motivation and plops down onto your bed right next to you.

Neither of you say anything for a long moment before he breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry, I've realized that my approach was...insensitive." He says, his back turned towards you. You snort, unable to even begin to process what could possibly be going through his mind at the moment.

"You think?" You say with disbelief clear in your tone. He just sheepishly rubs at the back of his neck. You eye him closely as he tries to put the right words together.

"[Y/N] I'm just...worried about you. I know what you just went through was beyond traumatic but I don't know what to do. I want to help you get through this but I've never...you know, done this before." He says shyly, finally turning around to look at you.

You stare at the blushing man in front of you. The usually so stoic and strong Levi Ackerman is staring at you like a lost puppy.

Slowly you lean up and drape your arms around his shoulders weakly.

"You're such an idiot." You whisper under your breath but you feel him nod weakly into your shoulder.

For the next few hours you slowly begin to come back alive. The two of you eat lunch together, he talks to you as he cleans your room, he helps you bathe, etc.

"Thank you Levi...truly I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for your incessant nagging." You say as you slowly eat the food he so kindly prepared for you.

"You would have done the same for me." He says as he slowly sips on his tea.

It wasn't easy nor quick but slowly he was able to readjust you to the world around you. He helped you process your grief and come to terms with it, and he was right, you would've done the same for him.

word count: 779
(not proof read)

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