ᰔᩚ Armin- Tipsy

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You've always been a flirt and just a very forward person in general, even since your teenage years. You knew life was short, and you knew the chances of you living past like 25 were low, especially as a scout.

So why not live a little? You've always made it your personal mission to have as much fun as possible at any given moment, and it just so happens that torturing your good friend Armin Arlet was the quickest way to get a laugh.

"So then I decided to do some more research on ODM gear and I realized that there was a way to- wait...[Y/N] are you even listening?" He interrupts himself mid-explanation and stares at you, waiting for an answer.

You snap yourself out of your daze and quickly try and compose yourself. What was he talking about again? Damn it I can't remember! You rack your brain for some kind of excuse. When it finally hits you.

"Sorry Arlet can you repeat that? You're just so...distracting." You say with a wink. His face immediately erupts into flames and he goes to stand up, to run away from your embarrassing comments.

"Heyyyy don't run away from me I was just kidding." You say with a giggle and reach for his wrist, pulling him back towards the table the two of you were sitting at.

"You're so annoying." He says through an adorable pout.

"God you're so cute when you sulk." You say with a soft smile, genuinely meaning every word. This only causes the embarrassment to return to his face once more. He immediately goes to cover his face, trying to hide from your intense gaze.

"Why do you say such embarrassing things, I don't get what you gain from it." He mumbles under his breath, still avoiding eye contact with you.

"Want me to explain what I gain?" You say with a smirk, he just shakes his head 'no.' He knows that anything you have to say is just going to embarrass him further. You decided to give the poor guy a break and stop with your incessant teasing.

"Anyways what were you saying, for real this time." You say with a genuine smile, not your usual smirk of interest. He slowly uncovers his face and begins to continue his explanation. This time you make sure to pay attention, don't want him catching you off guard again.

About an hour later Eren, your mutual friend, walks into the room and walks towards the two of you with clear excitement and a slight 'pep' in his step.

"Hey you two ready for the party tonight?" He asks with an uncharacteristic smile.

"Party..?" The two of you ask in sync, neither of you had any idea that there was gonna be a party this evening.

"Yeah to celebrate our recent victory, no scouts died on our last expedition!" Eren says with excitement clear in his voice.

"Just cause no one died didn't mean it was a victory...it's not like we made any progress either." Armin mumbles under his breath. Thankfully Eren didn't hear, he was to caught up in explaining the details.

"So are you two coming or not!?" He says finally, staring at the two of you with hopeful eyes. Before Armin can deny the offer you interrupt him.

"Yeah! We'll be there definitely!" You say and Armin looks over at you, horrified. As if saying, 'how could you do this to me, you traitor.' You just giggle as Eren walks away. As soon as he closes the door Armin turns towards you.

"WHAT." He practically shouts at you. You just shrug at him with a mischievous smile. You stand up and walk over to his side of the table, towering over him.

"What? It could be fun, plus you deserve a break." You say, ruffling his hair. You watch as a light blush dusts his cheeks, but this time he makes no moves to try and run away from you. You gently grab his face, tilting his head up so he's finally making eye contact with you.

ᰔ ᩚ𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓪 | Attack On Titan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now