ᰔᩚ Levi- Confession

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You and Levi have known each other for a long time. The two of you originally met the day he was recruited into the scouts.

The two of you were often put together during missions because of your skills. The two of you complimented each other nicely and over time a bond was formed with a healthy level of trust.

"Erwin you're insane, what if your hypothesis is wrong and the two of us just get eaten!" You argue with the tall blonde man in front of you.

Erwin wants to send you and Levi Ackerman outside of the walls at night with just a few lanterns to scout out the area.

"Titans are not active at night. The information we could gain is immense. Do they sleep? Do they roam around aimlessly? Hell do they just disappear? There are so many unanswered questions and the two of you are our top soldiers. I have trust in you two, have trust in me." He says with confidence, you still feel uneasy about gambling with your life but he's right, it's worth the risk.

You look over at Levi, he has his usual poker face up, with an unreadable expression. You couldn't help but worry about him, despite him being the stronger of the two of you, you were always worrying about him like he was a sickly child.

Small time skip—————————————

It was finally time for the two of you to depart. The sun was setting and the horses were ready. You quickly checked over your bag to make sure you had everything. Then you checked Levi's just for extra precaution. He didn't seem to mind.

"You nervous?" You ask as you step onto your houses, positioning your equipment. When you look over at him you can see that he's thinking long and hard about your question. When he finally answers it's just what you expected.

"No, we'll be fine. We always are."

His confidence reassures you by leaps and bounds. You feel it surge through your body. You just nod at him before you head towards the gate, him beside you.

"Oh god it's so dark, I'm really regretting this now." You mumble more to yourself than to Levi. He just stays quiet as the two of you scout the area, looking for somewhere safe to set up camp.

Finally you find an area that's open enough to see all of your surroundings. The two of you unpack your bags and sit down against the tree. Your horses lay down, trying to re-energize.

"I'll take first shift." Levi says as he finishes unpacking some food to eat. You just nod and lay down on the grassy tundra beside him.

You close your eyes trying to get any and all sleep possible. You're exhausted and yet your body won't let you sleep. It's like your subconscious is constantly yelling 'you aren't safe here.'

Levi watched as you tossed and turned.

"You okay?" He grunted out while eating a can of something unidentifiable. You just shook your head 'yeah' and continued to try and get comfortable. After about 15 minutes of rolling around you give up.

"Let's just switch, I can't fall asleep. I'll take first watch." You say with a light sigh. It's not like you didn't wanna sleep your body just wouldn't let you. Levi just looks over at you and nods.

The two of you switch, you sitting down against the tree and him laying down on his stomach only about a foot away. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, neither of you being able to sleep.

Slowly you scoot over, laying next to Levi not bothering to look at him.

"Wanna switch?" He says in a monotone voice.

"Nah, just wanna be closer." You say, staring up at the stars. He doesn't say anything but you don't mind, after all you're used to his silent and stoic nature.

"Hey Levi."


"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" You say with a light blush dusting your face. You didn't have the guts to look at his expression.

"Yeah it really is." He says with a subtle smile.

The two of you stay like that for a few hours, neither of you saying a word. Simply just enjoying each other's presences.

You look over at him and nearly lose your breath. He's staring up at the sky with a look of slight interest. The moon is perfectly illuminating his pale features, his gray eyes shining in a way you've never seen.

The two of you stay up all night, neither of you being able to fall asleep. Eventually the sun begins to rise and the two of you know it's time to head back and report your findings.

On the way back the two of you exchange pleasant conversation. Both of you relieved you get to live another day.

Eventually the horses get tired and the two of you have to go by foot. Thankfully it wasn't too far and there were no titans that either of you could see.

"Hey Levi wait a minute." You say, grabbing his attention. He stops and looks back at you with a look of confusion.

Slowly you walk towards him and place your hands on both of his shoulders.

"Scream now if you want me to stop." You say while staring into his eyes with a bright blush present on your face. He just stares at you but makes no moves to run...or scream.

Gently you place a soft kiss against his lips. When you pull away he looks almost as red as you. Neither of you says anything for a long moment before he gently presses his lips against yours. After a second or two you respond, kissing him back.

When the two of you pull away you two just stare at each other for a moment and then nod at each other. Both of you dying from embarrassment.

The two of you continue your walk towards the wall as if nothing happened. When you reach the wall you're immediately greeted by Erwin and the other scouts.

The two of you give your report on your findings. It takes awhile considering Hänge wanted every little detail. Nothing left unsaid.

After the meeting the two of you leave Erwin's office together. Momentarily pausing in the hallway before looking at one another. This is the first time the two of you have been alone.

"I-" You both say at the same time. You both just sheepishly look away, scratching the back of your necks awkwardly.

"So I mean...like what are we now?" You mumble, drowning in embarrassment. He looks just as embarrassed.

"I don't know..." He mumbles.

"Well do you want to be with me?" You ask, staring at him with hopeful eyes. He looks you in the eyes and nods.

"Yeah, I...I really do."

"Good cause I don't think I'd be able to let you go." You say with a light chuckle. He smiles at you softly before leaning up to leave a kiss on your cheek.

word count: 1184
(not proof read teehee)

ᰔ ᩚ𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓪 | Attack On Titan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now