ᰔᩚ Reiner- Don't leave, please...

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Don't leave, please...
(art creds @/Maple12031 on twt)

Before the identities of the titan shifters was revealed you and Reiner were really close. Or at least you thought you were.

The two of you often got paired together, since the survey corps enjoyed the 'buddy system.' Your personalities easily flowed together, never struggling to make conversation despite the harsh world around you two.

The two of you even occasionally shared romantic moments. It never became anything serious though because any day either of you could die.

You trusted him and you thought he felt the same. Until that day. The day that everything changed, the day that he kidnapped Eden Yeager right in front of the entire scout regiment.

You felt your heart shatter, it hurt more than anything you've ever experienced. It was like your entire world fell apart, everything you knew for the last three (?) years was a lie.

Instead of grieving you turned all sadness into pure rage and anger. He was the reason your family was killed, your friends were killed, over hundreds were killed all because of him.

That was a few years ago. Things were different now, now Reiner and a few others who you didn't exactly 'trust' were working with you to stop Eren. The irony almost made you laugh.

Ever since Reiner was...'recruited' you've made it a point to avoid him. You haven't been able to come to terms with your feelings yet, so how could you possibly talk to him?

Reiner on the other hand has practically been hunting you down. He wants nothing more than
to just talk to you, explain his side. He knows that forgiveness is a lot to ask but he truly does love you.

Unfortunately your 'dorm mate' if you could even call your room a dorm was none other than Reiner Braun. You'd wake up early in the morning, and come home late at night just to avoid him.

Sometimes he would stay up, or get up early and try to talk to you. You'd either ignore him or give him a dry, emotionless response.

"[Y/N] you should go easy on Reiner, I think your silence is actually worse than you beating his ass." Jean says with a chuckle.

It's around 11:00 pm and you're eating dinner with Jean, Armin, and Annie. You decided not to say anything and just shrug.

"You still talk to me, despite everything." Annie mumbles before scooping a piece of some kind of food into her mouth.

"Well that's different me and you never fuc-" You begin to say and Jean covers your mouth with a yell.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH TMI!" He shouts and you just chuckle.

"You asked I answered." You said before going back to your nearly cold meal.

"That should give you even more reason to talk to him. Don't you want some kind of closure?" Armin asks. You just stare at him and shrug, closer? What does that even mean.

The subject quickly changes but you just can't shake what they said. Should you really talk to him? Eventually you all finish your dinner and decide that it's time to head to bed. It's a little earlier than usual so you mentally prepare yourself for Reiner.

When you open the door the lights are already off. Weird, you think to yourself. For a minute you think that Reiner isn't even inside, but then you notice a lump of blanket on his bed move slightly.

You kick off your shoes and put your wallet and other random stuff on your nightstand, a sudden noise stops you in your tracks.

You hear a slight sniffle come from Reiner, a clear sign of crying. Oh great now what do I do, you think to yourself in both annoyance and worry.

Slowly you walk over and lightly place your hand on what you believe to be his shoulder. Slowly he rolls towards you and removes the blanket from his face.

His appearance sends a gut wrenching feeling through your heard. His eyes are glossy and red, and there are tears stained into his pale cheeks.

"I-uhm...are you...okay..?" You ask in an awkward manner that kind of embarrasses you. He doesn't answer you, he just stares at you in shock. Shocked that you're even talking to him right now, let alone asking him if he's okay.

"I'll just uhm leave you alone then." You say turning around, walking towards the door, a sudden weight on your wrist makes you turn around.

"Don't leave, please..." His eyes are practically begging you. This catches you off guard but you just nod hesitantly.

He scoots over, inviting you to lay next to him. You hesitantly respond but make sure to keep distance from him. He looks away, avoiding your eyes in embarrassment.

"So what's wrong?" You ask in a hushed voice, barely louder than a whisper. Still without looking at you, he responds.

"Oh you know, regret, guilt, the usual." You chuckle slightly at his words. You know what he's talking about oh to well.

Slowly you wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug, his head against your chest. You blush slightly at your own actions, if you didn't have that conversation earlier you probably would've just left him in here by himself.

"I do know." You say calmly, allowing him to relax in your arms. It feels almost...natural having him in your arms like this. Like nothing even happened. Slowly your eyes start to close and you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, before a voice interrupts you.

"[Y/N]...I'm sorry." He begins but you interrupt.

"No, don't, I don't wanna hear it." You mumble, feeling anger begin to bubble up inside of you.

"Please let me explain-"

"No." You say in a much more firm and serious voice.

"[Y/N] I'm going to explain..." Before you could interrupt he proceeds to explain the way of life in Marley, the way he had no choice, how they instill certain ideals.

You stare blankly in shock, you can't lie it makes sense. What am I supposed to do? I can't just forgive him. Millions of thoughts rush through your mind.

"I...I'm not asking for your forgiveness but I just needed to tell you." He mumbles, pulling you in closer.

"Was it all an act? Everything we went through together...everything we were?!" You say, your anger beginning to leak out as you push him away from you and stand up. He stares at you in shock, tears still clear in his eyes.

"W-what? No! Of course not! I loved you then and I love you now! I lied about who I was, but that's it, everything else, everything I ever said was the truth!" He says looking at you with desperation clear in his eyes.

That was it, the last thing you take before you collapsed to your knees. Tears began to stream down your face uncontrollably.

The guilt is eating you alive, this is the man who murdered everyone you loved and yet there was nothing you wanted more than to forgive him and curl up in his arms.

Slowly he stands up and sits down on his knees. He gently pulls you into a secure hug, and you just cry harder.

"I...I love hic you s-so hic much." You squeak out between sobs. He just squeezes you tighter and sobs along with you.

word count: 1246
(not proof read)

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