ᰔᩚ Levi- First Kiss #1 (redid)

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First Kiss #1

"Levi stop bitching and just clean up his mess."

You and Levi have known each other since the day he (and his two friends) were practically kidnapped and forced to joined the scouts.

The two of you have always bickered but it wasn't because the two of you particularly disliked each other it was because the two of you are both very straight forward.

You always say what's on your mind and you don't coddle other people and their feelings. Levi is the same way which causes the two of you to butt heads often.

"It isn't my mess why should I have to clean it." He grunts back, not even bothering to look at you. This just aggravates you further, without much thought your lace your fingers through his hair and forcefully turn his head to look at you.

You hear Hange gasp from behind you, and Levi for a moment looks just as shocked. Unfortunately he quickly recovers and forcefully hits your hand away from his hair.

"What's your problem?" He says but this time he's looking directly into your eyes.

"Just clean it up Levi." You say before walking out of the room. There were much more important things that you had to tend to.

Plus it didn't really matter to you if he cleaned it or if someone else cleaned it, as long as it was taken care of. What really pissed you off was Levi's lack of respect. Despite him being older you were his superior and he had a habit of forgetting that.

You were working on some stray paper work when your door opened. You glance up to see who was rude enough to not even knock, of course it was Levi, a soft sigh falls out of your mouth. There was no point in even arguing.

When he walked over to your desk he just slapped some more papers on it. Not even bothering to greet you, or even explain the papers.

"Fantastic." You mumble under your breath, in a clear sarcastic tone. Levi doesn't even glance back, he just waltzes right back out of your office.

When you finally finish your paper work it's practically 1 am. So like any rational person who's been working for several hours straight you decided to head down to the cafeteria.

You're met with familiar faces, Hange, Erwin, and Levi. You just wave at them and they nod back. You grab yourself some water and whatever scraps you could put together before sitting down with the three of them.

"Rough night?" Hange says with a chuckle. You just nod, your deep eye-bags speaking for themselves.

"You should get some sleep, we're heading out for another expedition tomorrow." Erwin says and you stop mid-bite. Fuck! You totally forgot. You look at him, clearly distraught.

"What time?" You mumble weakly, trying to hide your shock.

"7:00 am, bright and early just for you." Levi says before taking a sip of tea from his cup. You just lower your head onto the table and mentally curse yourself.

"I'm going to die tomorrow." You mumble to yourself, with the amount of sleep you're running on there is no way in hell you're surviving. At least not without putting in an insane amount of effort.

"You'll be fine." Levi says, ruffling your hair. You look over at him with a pout. You knew this is his way of apologizing for his bratty actions earlier.

"You better protect me." You say with a light chuckle and he just nods. Even though you were joking he took it completely seriously.

The next morning you wake up feeling like a pile of shit. You have zero motivation to do anything but despite that you prevail.

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