Earnests' Backstory?

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Earnest: What are you talking about? I don't have any childhood trauma!

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Earnest: What are you talking about? I don't have any childhood trauma!

Kat: Are you sure about that...? You can't be a massive jerk unless you have a reason for it!

Earnest: I don't!

Kat: Are you sure...?

Earnest: I'm sure!

Kat: Are you positive...?

Earnest: Just leave me alone! [He left]

Kat: Hmm... Okay...

Clover: You know, Earnest probably has Chloe's trauma... It seems to be accurate for him, and he did once tell me that his parents never really cared for him...

Kat: Oh... Wait... Is this a lie...?

Clover: [She shrugged] I guess you'll never know! [She walked away]

Kat: [She sighed] That liar... Then again... That past kinda fits Earnest... Maybe she wasn't lying... I need to do some investigating! [We then cut to Kat in Earnests' room, trying to find something that'll help explain his past] Alright... There should be something around here somewhere... [She found a diary in one of Earnests' drawers] Oh! Here! [She pulled out Earnests' diary, opened it up, and started reading it] "Those heroes! Ever since they started getting fame, I've been left in the dust! Nobody wants to donate to my charities anymore, and it's all their fault! I might as well close all my charities! I have to find a way to prove that I'm better than them! I need to prove my parents wrong! I am worth something!" [She stopped reading] Wow... So, Earnest is mean because he's jealous of Team Forces...? Wow... I kinda feel a bit sorry... But that isn't really an excuse for his actions... However, it does explain them... [She put the diary back in the drawer] Perhaps I won't tell him that I know about this... [She left]

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