~Chapter 1~

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Maddlyn's POV
Tomorrow was the day. I finally moved in with the Sturniolos. Mary Lou had decided that I made them really happy and that I could move in during the summer because then I would be finished with high school. The whole school year that's all I thought of. Me, Matt, Nick, and Chris have all been getting really really close. Like we would all fall asleep on a group call almost every night. I really enjoyed it. They made me really happy and I was so excited to finally move in with them.
"Oh shit I have to finish packing-." I said aloud to myself. I started running around getting the rest of my stuff packed and leaving an outfit out for tomorrow. I heard my phone start going off.

Suicide squad calling

It was the triplets so I answered setting my phone up.
"Hey M!" I heard Matt say. I looked up and gave him a warm smile which he returned sweetly.
"Hey Matty!" I said and Chris rolled his eyes giggling.
"Ok lovebirds that's enough. Hey M." I roll my eyes and looked back to my clothes laid out on the floor.
"No way you haven't finished packing!" Nick interrupts with a worried tone. I look up at my phone and nervously smile.
"I just have a little bit more." I hold up my two fingers and hold them a little bit apart.
"Hurry up and finish. We will stay on the phone while you do." Nick says and Matt and Chris smile in agreement. I smile back and prop my phone up so they can see me on the floor with the clothes. I start packing and organizing making sure it all fits while Chris Nick and Matt all laugh and make fun of me for the way I fold.
"Ok ok I'm done you guys can stop laughing now I- Chris are you fucking crying!" I was honestly kinda worried but then I noticed him also laughing so I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. "it's not that funny."
"N-no not that Nick tell her what you said again!" He managed to get out and Matt just set his phone down and held his stomach from laughing so hard. Nick tells his joke and we all start laughing so hard. He then goes on another rant for around thirty minutes. Eventually I settle down in bed and lay my phone against the wall next to my bed facing towards me. Nick and Chris were off doing dishes somewhere so it was just me and Matt.
"I'm so excited to see you tomorrow!" Matt says laying down in his bed finally after eating a brownie.
"I know right I'm so excited! This will be like what- the first time I've seen you in 13 years!" Me and Matt giggled and then looked into each others eyes for a moment. Me and Matt have always been the closet between the triplets. I always went to him for advice and support on everything. He was just a person I was comfortable talking to. I've always felt a connection to Matt but never said anything because it would be weird if he didn't fell the same way. Plus I didn't want to ruin the friendship that we had. He eventually broke the silence.
"I'll be there to pick you up at the airport when your plane lands. Just text me when your an hour away." He said smiling. His smile was so cute that I caught myself staring for a second. I blushed and nodded my head yes. We talked awhile more and eventually went to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up a very tired and groggy. I wasn't complaining though, that would just mean I slept on the plane ride to Boston. I got up after stretching for a couple minutes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. My parents recently got in a car accident so their obviously not home. I'm not sad about that anymore though because the triplets helped me get through that. I wasn't really sad to begin with though due to the fact they abused me most of my life and favored my sister. Anyways after I took my shower I put on a grey crop top, cute black pants, and some white air forces. I did my skincare, I left my hair down because I was to tired to do anything with it, and put my suitcases in the car. I still had a couple minutes so I did natural makeup, mascara, highlighter, and lipgloss, and took a picture to post on instagram.

Caption: can't wait to see my fav boys💗@sturniolo

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Caption: can't wait to see my fav boys💗@sturniolo.triplets

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Luckily for me I found someone to ship my car to Boston for really cheap! So I just left my car in the airport parking lot and went in. I got some Starbucks and went on the plane after waiting a little bit. I watched a movie on my phone and fell asleep. A couple hours later I felt my alarm go off in my lap that let me know to text Matt. I texted Matt that I was an hour away and went right back to sleep. After an hour I woke up to the pilot talking.

"We have now reached your destination. You may remove your seatbelts and have a wonderful day." When he said that I got so nervous. I didn't know why though because I had known the triplets forever, maybe it was just jet lag? I got off the plane and went to go find my luggage. After what felt like an eternity I found it and started walking outside. I rubbed my eyes and starred at the people 30 feet in front of me. Chris started charging towards me with his arms open and I giggled and did the same as him. We eventually hugged after running and Chris got my luggage when I went to hug everyone else. Me and Matt's hug lasted longer than anyone else's. It was really nice.

"It's so good to finally see you again!" Nick said and Matt agreed letting go of me.
"I know right it's like I haven't seen you guys in forever." I said side hugging Nick again and following Matt to the car while Chris just smiled at me and followed behind us. We put my luggage in the back and I got in the back seat with nick. Chris wanted the aux cord so he sat up front with Matt. I talked to Nick about all the things we would do and how I would decorate my new room on the car ride there. Chris played lots of songs but it was mostly back round music because I was talking with Nick. Once we got there I got out my luggage and followed the triplets inside. I got a little nervous so I grabbed Matt's hand and held it. He looked at me and smiled comfortingly.
"Don't worry they will absolutely love you." He said and I calmed down a bit and smiled back at him. I was still worried about meeting them though. I didn't know what was to come when I walked in the door, but I definitely didn't expect...

HAHAHHA😼 a cliffhanger in the first chapter🙀 crazy Ik but I needed a way to end the chapter because I felt like I was writing wayyyy to much..😔 also this chapter doesn't have a lot of like talking but I'm definitely adding more in the next chapter! Anyways I love you guys so much and thank you for reading! Please comment what you would like to see next!💗

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