~Chapter 5~

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Maddlyn's POV
When we got there Matt parked and we all got out. Matt held out his hand for me and I took it as he led us inside. He was the only one who knew I couldn't face my little sister. She had made me promise to leave her with our parents due to the fact I was abused by them. I don't like to mention it a lot but ever since my sister was born I was neglected. My sister, Amara, was favored by them and even though she hated me being abused there was nothing she could do about it. After our parents died I had talked to our grandparent's and arranged for her to move in with them.

"Maddlyn get your ass down here!" Mom screamed towards the staircase. I rushed downstairs and stood in front of her. She didn't say a word. There was only a disgusted look on her face and a broken plate on the counter. I stared at the plate and remembered what had happened earlier. Amara broke the plate and stepped on the glass shards. "Did you hurt your sister you little bitch?" She gave me direct eye contact now and it scared the hell out of me. I started sweating and thinking about how I should answer. Amara wouldn't get in trouble but even if I told the truth, they wouldn't believe me. "Y-yes ma'am it was me." She brought her hand up and it went flying towards my face. That was the first time she had ever laid a hand on me. My eyes started to well up with tears and my hands clenched into fists. I stared at the ground not wanting to see the look on my mother's face. "Go to your room and I swear to god if I see you down here." She didn't have to finish that sentence. I already knew what she would do. I ran upstairs and stayed in my room until she let me out. It just happened to be days later when Amara begged them to let me out.
End of flashback

Matt was still holding my hand when we entered Amara's room. She was laying on the bed with her phone in her hand. I didn't think she would be happy to see me since I had actually ditched her but her face lit up when she saw me. "M! I fucking missed you!" She yelled quiet enough so the nurses wouldn't hear her 'bad' language. She opened her arms and I couldn't resist running to her embrace. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. "I missed you too Amara. And I'm so so sorry..I was stupid and I never should have left you.." my voice cracked and the tears started to come back. "No M, it's not your fault. You were in a bad situation and had an opportunity to get out. I couldn't hold you back from that." She also had tears running down her face now. I let go and rubbed my eyes trying to get a better look at her. "Damn, when'd you get so smart?" I laughed a little at my own joke and she punched my arm playfully. "Shut up I was always smarter than you. Oh by the way that scar that I got turned out to look cool." Amara lifted up her shirt a little and revealed a medium sized scar that had become puffy and a light shade of brown. "It's looks alright I guess." I laughed a little remembering the memory of her falling from a tree. "Mine are still cooler though." I lifted up my shirt mocking her but it did reveal many scars that I'd hoped to keep hidden from the triplets. I immediately dropped my shirt remembering they were behind me. She rolled her eyes and smiled softly. "Oh these are the triplets. My introductions are ass so bear with me. This is Nick-" I pointed to Nick and he waved while smiling. "This is Chris-" I pointed to him and he did some goofy face that we all laughed at. "And last but not least, Matt" I smiled and pointed to Matt who waved and gave a hearty smile. Amara said hello back to everyone and we all started talking, acting like everything was normal. A couple hours later Amara started to get tired and yawned a lot more now.

"Get some sleep hon." I said in my soft voice. I was definitely a lot nicer towards my sister than anyone else. "Ok mom." She laughed and rolled onto her side. I smiled and moved the hair out of her face. I kissed her head and turned around towards the door. The triplets followed me out and waved bye to her. We walked back to the car and Chris and Nick got in. Before I could get in Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me gently towards him. "Maddlyn. What were all those scars?." He asked. Matt's voice was barely a whisper and it sounded like he didn't even want to ask it. I let my head fall as I looked to the ground. I took a deep breath and looked back up at Matt. His eyes were soft and his smile was still visible. It was comforting knowing he would always be there for me. "I-I..." Matt's smiled immediately faded. Nick honked the horn and we both looked towards him. He mouth something that I didn't understand then mouthed 'get in the car'. "Can we finish this conversation at home please?" He asked and I nodded in response. We both got in the car and started the drive home. On the way there Matt was lost in his thoughts the whole time and I could tell he was thinking about what I was going to say. When we got home I grabbed Matt's hand to get his attention. "I'm going to get a water before I go up to your room ok?" I let go of his hand and he smiled. "Ok I'll see you there." I nodded my head and walked behind him into the kitchen while he walked into his room.

Matt's POV
While Maddlyn went and got a water I went up to my room and sat in my gaming chair. I keep replaying her lifting up her shirt at the hospital to reveal so many scars. When she started to say something before we got into the car it sounded like she was about to say 'I did it'. So many thoughts were going on in my head.
Did she do that to herself?
Did somebody hurt her?
Is it still happening?
Why did her sister act like it was normal?
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Maddlyn opening the door and entering. She sat down on my bed and started fiddling with the ring on her finger. I stood up and sat down beside her taking her hand in mine. "I'm not gonna force you to tell me M..I'm just worried about you.." she looked up at me and smiled. "No it's ok. I think it's about time you find out anyways." She looked back down and laughed nervously. It didn't last long because the laughs eventually turned into tears. I cupped her cheek and brushed my thumb against her cheek in an attempt to wipe away her tears. It didn't work sadly, the tears just kept flowing.

She was trying to catch her breath but could only manage a few words."I-I'm sorry Matt..I-" I interrupted her and smiled. "It's ok to cry M. Just take your time." She laughed slightly again then wiped away her tears with her own hands. She began to explain what had happened with her parents and I couldn't help but feel my heart break more and more with each word she said. How could her parents treat her like that? I think this answer is even worse than hearing that she did it to herself. When she finished speaking I embraced her in a tight hug and her tears came pouring out again. I eventually calmed her down and we cuddled up and watched a movie. My mind was still racing with questions about how only her close circle knew about her getting abused. How come my mom didn't know? How come she never told me? How come I didn't fucking notice it sooner. That question played the most throughout my head and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS!!! IM LOSING MOTIVATION TO DO THIS😭😭😭 love you guys so much and thank you so much for all the support!💗💗💗

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