~Chapter 3~

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Maddlyn's POV
I woke up to Matt groaning and my alarm going off. I reached for my phone and turned the alarm off then looked at Matt.
"Can we just sleep in please." He said burying his head into my chest and pulling me closer.
"Yes we can love. Just move over-" I giggled and rolled us to where Matt was laying on my chest and I was on my back on the bed. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned up and kissed my cheek. We'll really my jaw because he couldn't reach all that well but it still gave me butterflies.
"I have a question tho Matty." I said looking him in the eyes. He looked up and looked at me so I decided to keep going. "Are we going to tell Nick and Chris about us or?" I asked him and he started thinking.
"Maybe we should keep it a secret and see how long it takes them to find out, you know like a challenge or something." He giggled which made me smile.
"Ok but if it ends badly I'm blaming it on you." I stated, throwing my hands in the air. He just laughed and shook his head.
"They will never believe you." He knew they would obviously believe me over him but it made him feel accomplished so I didn't say anything. I just ruffled his hair and kissed his head. He laid his head back down on my chest and started to fall asleep. Not even 1 minute later there was pounding on the door. I covered Matt's ears quickly not wanting him to wake up. Plus he gets anxiety from loud sounds(Ik prob not rlly but pertend😣). Luckily the noise didn't wake him up.
"Come in!" I whisper yelled to whomever was at the door. I realized that me and Matt agreed to hide our relationship so I quickly moved him off of me as gently as possible and got on my phone acting like nothing happened.
"What are you doing? I heard your alarm go off so why aren't you up?" Nick asked walking into the room and sitting in the chair next to the desk.
"Idk. You wanna do something?" I asked and sat up more.
"We can go to the mall? I need a couple new outfits for the trip I'm going on with Chris." He said. I looked at him confused for a second.
"Your not going to bring Matt?" I asked and he laughed and looked to Matt who was still asleep.
"Matt doesn't like the kind of stuff that we're going to go do and he wanted to stay with you when we asked so." I blushes when he said that. Especially since now I knew he liked me. Obviously Nick saw me blush because he said, "you like Matt, M?" He smirked and tilted his towards Matt.
"SHHHH he's right there!" I whisper yelled at him and pointed at the door. He threw his hands in the air and giggled as he left shutting the door on his way out. Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and giggled. "Oh shut up." I said jokingly and rolled my eyes. He pulled me down under the covers and started to kiss me gently. I started laughing softly and so did Matt after a minute. We then looked at each other. Just laying there in silence, a comfortable silence.
"Matthew kiss me already." I immediately got flustered after I said that, he smirked a little. Matt leaned down and kissed me. We had waited forever to do that so no wonder it got heated so fast. We made out for a little while, our tongues dancing around each others. He kissed lower to my neck and started to leave a mark. He stopped when there was another pounding sound at the door. We froze there until there was another sound of movement. I jumped out of bed when we heard the door open. It was Nick again.
"Uhm hey you ready to go?" He looked around wondering why I jumped up so fast.
"Oh ya I'm just gonna put on a different outfit and be right out!" I smiled awkwardly and turned away and Nick nodded and walked out. Matt started dying out laughing.
"You were so nervous!" He laughed.
"It's not my fault I'm a bad lair!" I put my hands up to my face and just stood there. Matt stood up and hugged me.
"That's a good thing. You can wear my hoodie to the mall if you want?" He said burying his head into the crook of my neck. I leaned my head on his shoulder and played with his hair.
"I would like that." I said through smiling. We eventually let go of each other and Matt gave me one of his hoodies. I kissed his cheek gently and went out of his room.
"Be safe!" He called out before I left.
"I will Matty!" I giggled and got into the drivers seat. Soon enough Nick got into the passenger's seat and Chris in the back. Nick looked at me weird and giggled.
"Did you have fun?" He said smirking and Chris joined in when he looked at me. I was very confused on why they were looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking at Chris then back at Nick. Nick just pointed to my neck and I immediately knew what he was talking about. "Oh shit." Nick giggled again and so did Chris. "It's literally nothing!" I started to think of an excuse of why the mark on my neck was there. "I just went out last night to a party and had a little to much fun." I hated lying. Both the boys stopped laughing and starred at me.
"You mean it wasn't Matt?" Chris asked. I had practiced this before I thought. I pretended to look at him like he was crazy even though I knew he was right.
"What no!" I said after a second and Nick just rolled his eyes.
"Sure sure! We both know your lying." Nick said but Chris shook his head.
"No look she's not sweating, shaking or stuttering. She's telling the truth." Chris said and Nick looked at me again.
"Omg your right." He looked at me for a second then hopped into the backseat and started to gossip about what had happened. I rolled my eyes and started to drive to the mall. When we got there we all just pretended nothing had happened.

Matt's POV

After Maddlyn  had left I went downstairs and grabbed a dr.Pepper from the fridge. Me and Maddlyn had just started dating so why do I miss her this much? I decided to wait for them to get back. I hopped onto the counter with my feet dangling off the side and played on my phone. After awhile of waiting I got bored so I went to the couch and laid down. I eventually fell asleep to the sound of a tv show in the back round and when I woke up I..

Lol idk why but I love ending on cliffhangers🙉😋anyways love you guys and please please please vote!!🙏💗Love you guys😣🫶

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