~Chapter 4~

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Matt's POV
When I woke up I felt my head on someone's lap and a hand on my head. I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes to see who it was. It was Maddlyn. She was watching a movie and playing with my hair.
"Hey baby." I said softly as she looked down at me. I laid my head back down and pulled the blanket up closer to my face.
"Hey love." She giggled and kept playing with my hair. She looked away from me and look at the tv. I looked at the tv and realized what she was watching.
"M, you know this is a sex show right?" I asked not wanted to make it sound to weird. I immediately felt her gaze on me.
"Define sex." She said looking away from me and back at the tv. I thought she was kidding at first but she had on a straight face.
"Like you know- do I really have to explain this?" I asked not wanting to give an answer. She looked at me and nodded smirking a little as she did so. I sighed and sat up a little.
"Sex is when a male puts their dic-" I didn't finish because she laughed and covered my mouth.
"I was just kidding I know what it is Matty. And yes I know it is but it's interesting sometimes." She said as she let go of my face. As soon as she said that a sex scene cut on. We both looked at the screen when we heard moans getting louder. The people on the tv started to get really rough with undressing each other, kissing and etc. it got really awkward and we both looked at each other not knowing what to do.
"Uhm yea. Very interesting." I said as I scratched the back of my neck.
"Sorry I seriously didn't know that was going to come on." She said as she giggled and looked away from me. Chris suddenly came in and we looked at him. He looked at tv and laughed.
"You guys tryna' recreate this or sum?" He smirked as he gestured me toward her. I turned bright red and looked at the ground. Maddlyn also turned red but instead of looked away she looked at me.
"Maybe we are. So what?" My head shot up when she said that because I was genuinely so confused. I tilted my head a little and she laughed. She winked at me and i suddenly got it was a joke. I got comfortable again and looked back at Chris.
"Ya so what if we are? Not like you can stop us." I smirked and Chris's eyes widened as I moved my hand around Maddlyn's waist.
"Wait are you too actually-" Chris asked but stopped when he saw Maddlyn shake her head fast. "Oh I was confused for a second." He laughed as he walked back to his room. "I can't believe you went with it Matt!" Maddlyn hit my arm lightly as Chris left. I rolled my eyes and readjusted my head on her lap. "What it's no like you stopped me." I winked at her and she moved my head off her lap and stood up. "Hey! I was comfortable as shit." She crossed her arms over her chest so I stood up. "What?" I was confused and it seemed to make her mad. "So we're not going to remake the scene?" When she spoke I blushed more than I've ever blushed in my life. The show was still playing and the sex scene was getting kinky and rougher. "Babe your joking right?" I whispered not wanted Chris to hear. She shook her head and giggled. I stood up and grabbed her wrist pulled her towards my room. I opened my door and pulled her into my room shutting the door behind us. I pinned Maddlyn up against the wall and smirked.
"W-wait I was just joking!" She whisper yelled. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I know. I was just joking babe. Calm down." I planted a soft kiss on her forehead and let go of her. I laid down on the bed soon to be accompanied by Maddlyn. She placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. I played with her hair with my hand and my other to scroll through tic toks on my phone.

Maddlyn's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and my head on Matt's chest. I guess I fell asleep when we were cuddling. "Can you grab that for me baby?" I yawned and he nodded as he grabbed my phone from his nightstand. He handed me my phone and I sat up letting my feet hang off the bed. "Hello?" I asked moving the phone up to my ear. "Yes hello. Is this Maddlyn white?" A strange voice spoke. "Yes this is her." I started thinking about what this phone call could possibly be about but my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke again. "We have your little sister with us. We just got her test back and it came back positive for cancer." I stood up and paced around for a moment. "I-Isabel is supposed to be with our grandparents. And are you sure maybe you should test her again. She's completely h-healthy." My eyes started to tear up and Matt stood up confused about what was happening. "I guess no one informed you. I'm sorry ma'am but your grandparents have passed away in an accident. Isabel has been in foster care ever since." Tears were now streaming down my face and my breathing was unsteady. "Why didn't she call me. Where are you?" My voice cracked several times but I didn't have the patience to care right now. "Massachusetts General Hospital." I sighed in relief knowing that was only 30 minutes away. "Ok. I'll be there soon." We said our goodbyes and then I hung up.
"M, what's going on? Are you ok?" Matt said worried. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my room. I let go of his hand and grabbed a suitcase from my closet and started packing some clothes. "I'm sorry Matt. I have to leave for a little while." My voice was still shaken and I was struggling to keep the tears from flowing out. I sat down on the floor and rubbed my eyes. Matt sat down next to me and rubbed circles on my back trying to comfort me. "It's my sister Matt..s-she has cancer and it's not looking good.." he brought me in for a hug wrapping his arms around my waist. "It's ok..do you want me to maybe go with you?" He looked up and brushed his thumb against my cheek to wipe away my tears. I nodded and he smiled softly. "Would you mind staying with me the whole time? I mean it won't be that long and really the only reason I'm bringing a suitcase is so she can have new clothes. Apparently she's been in foster care." He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I'm going to go tell Nick and Chris that we're going to be gone for awhile." He stood up and smiled. "Tell them if they want to come they can but it's going to be boring." I laughed softly and wiped more of my tears. He smiled softly and left to go into his brother's rooms. Matt was very comforting in these situations and you could always tell when he really cared about it or not.
I finished packing and went into the drivers seat of my car to wait for Matt. I didn't want to rush him especially when this trip was so random but I didn't have to wait long anyways because Matt, Nick, and Chris all walked out of the house and got into the car. "You guys didn't all have to come." I laughed a little and rubbed my eyes again. "Of course we would come M. Your our best friend and you shouldn't have to go through this alone." Nick rubbed my arm gently and Chris smiled softly. "Thank you guys." They nodded their heads and smiled once more. "And sorry M, but you're not driving." Matt formed his lips into a straight line and opened my door for me to get out. "What why!" I didn't really want to drive but I didn't like anyone else driving my car. "Cause you're a shaking mess, no offense, and it looks like you're about to cry again." Matt was right so I got up and let Matt sit down. He hugged me before sitting down and whispered in my ear that 'everything is going to be ok'. I smiled and let go of him, mouthing a small 'thank you' before getting into the passengers seat."Sorry I get emotional." I rolled my eyes and smiled, playing it off as a joke. Matt laughed and shook his head as he got into the driver seat. I gave Nick the aux cord but he rejected it.
"Oh come on please Nick. Your music cheers me up the most." I pleaded and Nick sighed and took the aux cord. "You're lucky I love you." He plugged his phone in and it started playing music. It was chill music but it was nice considering the circumstances.

Hey guys! I know I need it kind of randomly but I didn't want to do anymore. I have so many ideas for this story but it would be to long if I continued😭 if you liked the story please vote! I love any comments you have for me! Love you guys😋


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