~Chapter 2~

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Maddlyn's POV
I was still holding Matt's hand when I got inside. As soon as I walked in Mary Lou walked towards me and hugged me. I let go off matts hand and hugged her back.
"It's so good to finally meet you dear!" She said cheerfully.
"It's so good to meet you to and thank you so much for letting me move in with you all!" I said returning the amount of cheer. She let go of me and held my hand.
"Well you know me and your parents were close and when I heard about.." she couldn't finish her sentence because of how she knew it would make me feel. I had tears in my eyes now and they were obviously visible because of the way everyone was looking at me. "I'm so sorry Maddlyn." She sounded so sincere and that almost made me start crying. But I didn't want to cry on my first day, especially not around the triplets. So I just wiped my eyes and smiled the best I could.
"It's ok. My mom really loved you and I'm really happy to be here." She smiled when I said that and hugged me again. She never knew about me being abused so I had to put on some sort of an act for her.
"Now come meet my husband dear." She lead me towards the kitchen and a man stood up. "This is my husband James." She said pointing.
"It's nice to finally meet you Maddlyn."He held out his hand and I gladly took it.
"It's nice to meet you too." I said shaking his hand gently. After awhile of talking and getting to know each other we sat down to eat dinner.
"Hope you like spaghetti Maddlyn." Mary Lou said handing me a plate.
"I'm sure anything you cook is amazing, Mary Lou." I said smiling and setting my fork onto my plate. The triplets looked at me and Chris mouthed 'suck up'. I just rolled my eyes and giggled. Matt sat next to me on the right and Chris on my left. Nick sat in front of me because he touched his nose last. I found it funny that they cared so much if they sat next to me or not. Once we all finished dinner and eating Mary Lou asked me where I was going to sleep tonight.
"She can sleep in my room if she wants." Matt said putting his plate in the sink. I looked at him.
"But then where are you going to sleep?" I said as he looked back at me.
"I'll just sleep in Chris's room or something." He looked at Chris and Chris nodded at him and looked back at me.
"No you take your room I'll sleep on the couch." I interrupted not wanting to be impolite. The  arguing went on for a couple minutes before Nick said something.
"Omg you two. Just sleep together. Not like in a dirty way or anything but like it won't be that weird since your bed is huge Matt." Nick said. He actually made sense for once so I just looked at Matt and he nodded his head and smiled. I blushed a little thinking about me and Matt sharing the same bed. I shook my head and smiled back at him.
"Who wants to watch a movie!?!" Nick yelled breaking the silence. We all looked at him and nodded our head. Mary Lou had earlier stated that her and James were going to go on a trip so they were in their room packing. Meaning we had the house to ourselves after today for 3 months. We all decided after awhile that we were going to watch "The conjuring 3" literally the SCARIEST one!!
"Ok guys get situated cause I'm not pausing it once it starts." We all sat down with our snacks. I sat in the middle of Matt and Nick and Chris sat on the floor in front of me. They still all wanted to sit by me, I still didn't understand why but whatever.
"You can hold my hand if you get scared." Matt whispered to me sweetly. He knew I got scared when watching these things.
"Thank Matty." I said smiling. Nick looked at me and smirked. I saw him and gave him a look. He tilted his head towards Matt and smirked again.
"I'll literally beat you up." I said in a playful tone but with a serious face on. He giggled and looked back at the tv. I did the same and put the blanket over me.
"Nick pass me the other blanket." Matt told Nick. Nick just shook his head.
"No I'm using it." Nick said looking back to the tv. I looked at Matt and put the blanket over him. He smiled at me and mouth 'thank you'.
"Your welcome Matt." I said giggling softly and we both looked back to the tv. After an hour and half of the movie, a scary part started to play. I grabbed Matt's hand and intertwined our fingers. I starred at the tv in horror as the person killed multiple people(yall I've never seen this movie so don't come for me😭). Matt noticed and held my hand tighter. I turned my head and laid on his shoulder, closing my eyes as tightly as possible.
"You wanna go up to my room M? Nicks asleep anyways and Chris went to his room awhile ago."  Matt whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and he paused the movie. I slowly got up, not letting go of Matt's hand. He also got up after turning off the tv and then led me up to his room. He opened his door then closed it after I went in.
"Thanks Matt." I smiled at him.
"Of course anything for you." He smiled back. We started into each others eyes for a moment and we both leaned in. I met Matt in the middle and kissed his lips softly. After a good minute we pulled apart and looked at each other.
"I-I didn't mean to do that-" I stuttered out and looked away hiding my red face. He grabbed my chin gently and moved my face so I was looking at his.
"I really like you Maddlyn." My full name. " and I was to embarrassed to say anything because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship. Please if you don't like me pretend this didn't happen. I can't lose you." I just starred at him. I was shocked by his words. I didn't speak, I just leaned in and kissed him passionately. The kiss lasted longer than the first one.
"I like you to Matthew." I looked at him and smiled.
"So what are we then?" Matt questioned looking down at me.
"Whatever you want to be." I giggled and he snuck his hands around my waist and pulled me closer.
"I want you to be my girlfriend, M." He looked down at me with a slight smirk on his face but it was kind of serious.
"Then I will be. I will be your girlfriend." I looked up at him and smiled putting my arms around his neck. We kissed again for a few seconds then laid down on the bed. I put my head down on his chest and cuddled up next to him. I watched tic toks on my phone and he would skip every thirst trap of some random guy that came on which made me laugh softly. Eventually he fell asleep so I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep to the sound of Matt's heart beat.

AHHHH I love this chapter so much like fr!!!😍 anyways comment what you wanna see next and pls pls pls vote😣💗I love you guys🙉

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