~Chapter 7~

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⚠️Before this chapter starts I would like to take a min to say that this chapter does have smut in it. Please do not comment hate on this chapter. 1.I've never written smut before. 2. I didn't ask. And 3. I don't care. I know the triplets have mentioned it being weird but they never said we had to stop. If you feel it makes you uncomfortable in anyway then don't read it. You have been warned.⚠️

Maddlyn's POV
"Ok we're done!" The boys said all together at Matt's door. I had a little bit more of Jen's hair to do so I started to go faster. "Ow! Don't pull!" Jen grabbed my arm and moved her head back trying to get away from the curling iron. "Shh! You're fine." I moved her hand and continued what I was doing. The room door opened and eventually the bathroom door opened, Nick walked in and watched what you were doing. "Wait you actually good at this. I was just gonna do something basic but..can you also do mine please?" He held out the e and put his hands together. I looked at him and laughed a little then nodded. When I was done with Jen's hair she left and Nick sat down in front of me. "What do you want?" He pulled up a photo on his phone and before i started on Nick I practiced in the air trying to get the movements right. "Hurry up!!" Chris yelled from the doorframe. I quickly did nicks hair and then straighten my own and rushed downstairs where everyone was. Nick was showing off his hair while I slid behind everybody and grabbed a water. "Ya it's amazing, I know! M did it!" Nick said and everyone faced me. I took a sip of my water and waved my hand around a little. After talking more we got into the car and started driving to the party. It was so crowded. The lights were piercing my eyes every time they flashed. The Sturniolos and Jen went to talk to their friend so I went to go get a drink. There wasn't any very good options but I took the best one and started drinking. I think it was some sort of vodka but the label was ripped off. I set the bottle down before I could get too drunk and started walking towards the hallway where the light wasn't making my head throb. I took a corner down the hall so no one could see me the stood still and took in a deep breath. I felt a hand slide around my waist and before I knew it I was up against the wall.

"Hey baby." Matt kissed my neck gently before looking down at me. "You scared me Matt." I punched his arm gently and he chuckled. "Sorry I didn't mean too." He looked around for a moment  and realized that we were completely alone then looked back at me for some kind of answer. I nodded my head slowly and he leaned in and kissed me passionately. The kiss slowly got more heated and I could tell Matt was taking his time. I pushed him back and little, separating our lips. "You don't have to go slow. It's not my first time." My voice was barely above a whisper. Matt nodded and placed his lips back onto mine. The kiss got heated quicker this time and we were both grinding against each other for some kind of pleasure. He placed his hands on the back of my thighs. "Up." I jumped up into his arms and he carried me to the bedroom and locked the door once we were in. He placed soft kisses on my neck and let me down to stand. I started to take off my dress but was having trouble with the zipper. He reached behind me and gently unzipped it. The dress fell to floor and revealed all of me. Matt stopped moving for a minute to admire me then continued with his clothes.  When he was done all that was left between us was his boxers and my bra and underwear. He pressed himself up against me and kissed me roughly. In the midst of us kissing I had someone ended up on top of Matt on the bed. I was straddling his lap and he was rock hard. "Your so beautiful baby." He cooed as his hand lingered towards my aching core. He trailed kisses down my neck towards my chest. He finally reached my panties and held onto the side of the fabric with his pointer finger.

"This is in the way." He pouted in a demanding way. I nodded slowly and he quickly stripped them from my body. He flipped us over so I was on my back and he was on top of me. "I'm going to go gentle don't worry." He whispered but I don't want him to go soft. This was the first time I'd had sex in a while and I wanted it to be worth it. Especially since it was with Matt Sturniolo. I shook my head and grabbed his shoulders forcing him to look me in the eyes. "Fuck me like you're mad at me Matthew." I said sternly and his lips quirked up into a smirk. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He started to trail kisses down my chest towards my core. He definitely wasn't being gently or slow. They he was nipping and sucking at every inch of me alone wanted to make me come. He finally reached my pussy and teased me in the annoying way possible. He kisses my inner thighs and when he finally reaches my clit he goes back to my thighs. "Matthew stop being a dick and make me come." He gave me a look like I was in for it and as soon as I thought that his tongue was swirling around my clit. Circling it over and over again until my toes curled. He moved one of his hands to my breast and teased my nipple in between his index and pointer finger. The other hand moved to my entrance. He slid two fingers in slowly but picked up pace as soon as he got a loud whimper from my mouth.

"M-Matt I'm gonna-" he slid another finger in that silenced my sentence with a loud moan slipping from my lips. I felt a coil tighten in my stomach and Matt must have know something because he picked up pace. "Come for me baby." His lips tightened around my clit and the hand around my tit moved to my leg to steady the shaking a bit so he had better access. As soon as I heard those words from his mouth my body instantly released and I came all over his face. He looked up at me and licked his lips. I blushed and leaned my head back so I didn't have to give him any eye contact. He moved himself closer to me and kissed me, letting me taste myself on his lips. He placed his hands on my hips and moved us so my ass was in the air and he was right behind me. He slid off his boxers and slipped on a condom faster than my eyes could compute. He looked me in the eyes and I took it as my sign to nod. He smirked and slid into me. My moan was probably heard by the whole party, but did I care? No. All I cared about was the way Matt was slamming into me making me feel the best I ever have. After he finished and cleaned us up I couldn't help but look at him like he was a fucking magical creature. I had never been touched by a man like that I definitely never want to go back to all the others. He quirked a brow but shook his head and laughed it off. "Wanna cuddle M?" He asked sweetly. Another thing you can add to the list of things I love about this man. "Yes please." He didn't need to be told twice because he climbed in bed next me the second I said yes. He moved around until he was comfortable on the bed then wrapped his arms around me placing his head in the crook of my neck. "Nick and Chris will come get us when it's time to go home so don't worry about waking up baby." He kissed my neck and I nodded, acknowledging what he had just said. Before I knew it I was fast asleep in his arms.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I his Wyll worked really hard on it😭😭😭 sorry if has smut in it😣 I'll try to limit it I promise! Please do not hate me for putting this out into the world. I understand hate comes with being an author but I do not want you to vocal any bad opinions. Sorry about all the mistakes😍I love you all so so so much💗byeeee👋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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