Chapter 15: A horrible truth, new ship and a challenge

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Water 7

Garp POV

He warn Sengoku not to provoke Luffy but he didn't listen to him. The destruction of Enys Lobby was a great example as to why you don't fuck with a freaking Yonko and not even mention that his grandson and his fleet wipe out a Buster Call. Luffy gain his title for a reason. As he approached where the young emperor and his crew were resting, he was nervous and for a good reason. Until Garp saw Luffy's first wanted poster when he was twelve, he thought he died, alongside Ace and Sabo. That's until he saw their wanted posters as well when they were fifteen. When he saw the remains of Dawn island, he felt a lot of hatred. There were no survivors and he saw that marines shoot their weapons to innocent civilians. Not even the old people and children were spared. Sengoku said it was an accidental Buster Call but he didn't believe it at all. Buster Call don't leave lava remains and he knew only one marine who had that ability. The red dog aka Sakasuki Akainu.

"Vice-admiral Garp" said then a pink hair kid, also known as "Deadly Raptor" Coby. That snap him out of his thoughts "what are you doing here?"

"I come here as a grandfather" Garp answered "not as a marine"

"You better" said a orange hair girl known as "Climate Master Tigress" Nami  "you can come in but if you try anything funny, well, we will attack". Garp nodded as he enter the place where Luffy and his crew were resting. Luffy was on chair, looking at him with a serious face

"Long time no see, gramps" said Luffy, looking at him "I felt you were coming since you got out of your ship"

"I want to know what happened" said Garp

"The red dog appeared on Dawn Island and he order his men to kill everyone in the name of his absolute justice crap. If it wasn't for my dad, Red Hair Shanks, well,  Ace, Sabo and I would be dead. Our only crime, at least mine and Ace's, was to be born, while Sabo's, well, was to be our  friend". Garp clenched his fists in fury. It was just as he thought Sengoku send his mad dog to do his dirty job while he was on a mission "does your mother know?"

"Of course she does" Luffy answered "she is pissed off by the way and she wants the same thing as me and my brothers. The head of that bastard who murder everyone on Dawn island"

"I am sorry Luffy" said Garp "If I knew, I would have gone and kill Sakasuki myself"

"Even if you have make an enemy of the fleet admiral?" Luffy ask surprised

"Sengoku is not the only one who can lie" said Garp "I would simple say that my daughter was pissed off"

"You do know she would have kick your ass afterwards, right?" Luffy said shaking his head

"Probably" Garp said "punch me. I want to see if that brat of your father taught you that well"

"I am not sure I am at your strength, grampa" said Luffy sweating. Garp smiled at that "but if you insist, let's go outside". Garp nodded happily as both went outside. His marines were sweating at seeing him acting like that

"Anyone who reports this, I will personally send him or them to the most deadliest forest, with the deadliest animals to train for a month" Garp said with a serious tone

"Yes, sir!" Said his marines sweating like pigs

"Go on then" said Garp. Garp saw as his grandson put armament haki on his hand and went to punch him at a very fast speed. In fact, Garp's eyes widened when he noticed his grandson was using Geppo without realizing. So distracted he was with that, that his grandson manage to punch him in the face and sending him flying but he manage to stop. That actually hurt a lot. If he hadn't put armament on his cheek out of instinct, he would be dead

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