Meeting to Make Arrangements.

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I smiled as I was walking to the meeting with Alpha Winston and smiled as my father chuckled and said geeze I've never seen you this a" I smiled and said I wonder if she's going to be there." He chuckled and said yes, both packs are required to be there in full until dismissed by their respective Alpha. I smiled as I blushed as I caught the scent of the other pack and said we're almost there, father, since he had lost a portion of his sense of smell temperorarily. I smiled as we arrived and smiled as father and I bow respectfully and said Winston Eve. I smiled and blushed seeing Kate beside her parents and nodded respectfully, keeping my distance, knowing that until invited by her father approaching her was a suicide decision. I smiled as she nodded. I blushed and said Winston if I could, I would very much like to meet Kate officially. I smiled as he said that will come, but first, we must discuss your interests in my daughter and your insistence on bringing the packs together. I nodded and said as you wish. I smiled and said, "Where would you like to have this discussion?" Winston smiled and said your pack may disperse to do their duties while we alphas ajurn to my den to discuss. I nodded as Father Howled, giving his orders, then followed Winston side by side with me. I smiled as Winston led the way into his den, where I immediately got hit with the scent of a wolf's heat. I blushed as Winston shifted and said I apologize for the smell I know it's distracting, but this is the only place we can meet. I blushed and said Forgive me if I'm being too forward but who is it that is in heat? He shifted and said Kate is that's why as a precaution she is under the watch of a chastity guard. I nodded shifted and said I see fighting the urge to breathe in the scent more. I shifted and said so the first thing we should probably discuss is the proposal to merge our two packs. Winston looked at me and crooked his head. I frowned and said let me explain I have fallen in love with a member of your pack and I would be willing to make it a mutually beneficial arrangement by strengthening our two packs into one in time giving you grandchildren and protecting your daughter with everything I am. I smiled as Winston looked at me, considering my words, and said what say you of this Tony?" My son has earned my trust and favor in all matters he will be alpha of the eastern pack upon finding a mate. His first choice is your daughter Kate, but should you or Kate refuse he has agreed to settle for Tatiana from the southern pack. Winston cringed and said, "Let us see what Kate says. I smiled as he turned to a snow white wolf and said, "Go get your sister. I smiled as she nodded and rushed out. I blushed as I caught the scent of heat and saw Kate come in escorted by four females. I smiled as Winston said Kate honey can you come here?" I smiled as she stepped closer to her dad and smiled as her father said Kate this is Humphrey and he has asked for your paw in matehood what do you think will you give him a chance to prove himself? I froze immediately, posing letting her explore getting my sent as she started sniffing me. I blushed as she said yes I will father he has till Friday night to convince me if he can do that Saturday we can marry Saturday night we'll mate. Dad nodded and said sounds good to me. How bout you, Tony? Dad nodded and looked away. Winston frowned and said, "Is something wrong Tony? I blushed as I realized what was Bothering him and said Forgive me for speaking out of turn but Alpha Eve your rear as unintentionally posed a temptation for my father and he as a good guest would is avoiding the situation. I smiled as eve jumped realizing she had unintentionally backed to close to my dad. I smiled as dad blushed and said thank you son. I nodded and said your welcome father. I smiled as I said if I may Kate could we go for a walk around the territory? I smiled as Kate looked to her father who nodded and said it is your choice Kate. I smiled as Kate said very well do you think you can behave yourself or do I need to bring my Chastity guard. I chuckled and said bring them if you must but I can resist quite well you'll find. I smiled as she chuckled and said let's test your resistance you girls stay here but stay alert listen for my howl. I smiled as they nodded and gave me a warning snarl as I walked by. I smiled and said so Kate where should we go first. I smiled as she smiled and said I'll take you to the water hole first I could use a good wash down there. I nodded and said OK. I smiled as we walked t the water hole and blushed as I kept my distance but watvhed out for her as she washed up and bathed herself giving her pussy a good clean. I froze as I spotted a male and said uh Kate your being watch. I snarled as he made a run to mount her and tackled fighting him and smirked as he let out a high-pitched pained scream as I forced him to submit and smiled as he ran off and smiled as Kate stepped up accompanied by her guard. I blushed as she smiled and said thanks. I blushed and said no problem someday if you become my mate that will be my job. I smiled as the Chastity guard looked at each other and started whispering amongst themselves and finally said Alpha Kate we think you would be very foolish to pass up this male his genetics are excellent I can see from here he's strong protective he's loyal and he seems to be willing to wait until asked for coitus to mate. I froze as Kate looked like she was taking it into consideration and said I have one final Criteria that I would need to test before I'm convinced ladies. I blushed and said what is it? She frowned and said Hunting skill. I shifted and looked down at my feet and sighed before I said I have a confession to make ladies my genetics are good and all of those things are true however there's one thing you missed in your assessment of me. I sighed and brushed the fur back from the right eye to show that I was blind on the right side. I sighed and said I can see directly in front of me and to my left but my tight nothing. Kate sate and thought for a moment and said so you don't hunt? I blushed and said I do but not alone if I ever am assigned to hunt my Brother covers my right flank and my dad covers my six. I blushed as Kate said could you bring down prey at all? I nodded and said once I know it's there I keep it in my left so I can see it. Kate oh. I blushed and said would you like me to show you? Kate smiled and said sure if you think you can. I nodded and Howled. I smiled as I heard my Brother Garth Howl and heard his best friend howl and feard their running footsteps. I smiled as they stopped in front of me and said what is it Humphrey? I smiled and said my potential mate need to see me hunt and you know dad's rule ever since the incident. I smiled as Garth nodded and said I'm with you hermano. I smiled and said thank you and you should probably avoid breathing In to much. Garth nodded and said I know I can smell it already. I nodded as Kate nervously growled and snarled. I smiled as I said it Okay Kate he wouldn't dare touch you in front of me knowing that I potentially have a claim to you. I smiled as she nodded nervously and said still. I nodded and said I know. I smiled as she guided us to the hunting grounds and smiled as Garth Derek helped me chase downa deer. I smiled as I caught and killed the deer. I smiled as Kate blushed and said wow so it looks like your pretty much the complete package. I blushed and said sure I guess so. She shifted and said Im beginning to reconsider the Saturday night mating. I'll have to ask my father.

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