MoonGoddess's Vision

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I sighed as I was lying down napping and froze as I awoke to a voice saying  Humphrey, my child, awake. I blushed as I opened my eyes and saw none other than the moon Goddess. I blushed and bowed, my lady. She frowned and said I have reconsidered my decision to punish your mate for her mother's infidelity" I blushed and said, "My lady, what will you do?" She smiled and said, "Your mate will have a normal healthy pregnancy and delivery on one condition." I blushed and said, "What is your condition? You must convince  Winston to  bestow the title of slave on the Adulter. I frowned and looked down slaves as if she would service the whole pack? She nods and says, "When your mate or any other mate is pregnant, Eve is to service you or that male when they are frustrated. I blushed and said I will do it. I smiled as she  nodded and disappeared. I blushed as I started awake and blushed as I saw Winston and said  Winston we need to talk alone. I smiled as  he nodded and said OK. I blushed as I stood up and walked away with him and told him everything the moon goddess told me and smiled as he nodded and said I can agree to that. I blushed and smiled as Eve was laying off by her self having miscarried. I blushed as I heard a Celestial. Voice say brake her make her take care of your sexual needs. I blushed as I  looked at Winston who smirked giving me a knowing look and said get her. I smiled as I growled and forced eve into position and started thrusting my tongue into her vagina causing her to scream as I r**ed her. I smiled as I absolutely broke her and Howled filling her up.

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