Pack Merger

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I smiled as I was  standing  beside my mate overlooking as my pack and my mate's  pack came together and turned to  face my mate and I. I  smiled and  said Eastern pack on this day we are proud to  join paws in brotherhood with the western pack. I smiled as my pack brothers howled joyfully and  fell silent as my mate stepped forward and said Western wolves today we join together with our eastern  brethren forging an alliance stranger than any other. I smiled as her pack howled and froze as I noticed she seemed to be out of breathe. I frowned and said Kate love are you well? She  shifted and said I will be fine mate I'm just a little nauseous. I frowned and said perhaps the healers should decide. Kate shifted and said I Zam fine  love please don't stop the celebration on my account. I frowned and sniffed catching an unfamiliar scent mixed in with my mates and said love who's touched you? She shifted and said no one love. I growled and said I Can tell something is wrong if you refuse to tell me then I will be forced to tell you're mother. I sighed as she huffed and growled you want to know what's wrong then I suggest you think about what you did to me last night. I froze seeing the aggravation and shame in her eyes and said  your pregnant? Aren't you? Kate shrugged and said I don't know but ever since I got up I've been  nauseous and on edge. I frowned and looked around and froze as my eyes met with my mate's father's concerned gaze and said  Winston, my mate is ill, I think it wise to have the Midwife/healers  give her a  check up especially since last night. I smiled as he  nodded and howls. I frowned as the  healers came forward and said Alpha please let us  examine your mate. I  smiled as  I stepped aside and watched as the healers approached and watched as  Kate snarled as the healers attempted to make her lay down. I growled and said paws off my mate unless you have her consent I won't hesitate to kill in defense of my mate or her honor. I smiled as Kate looked at me and said Humphrey come  we'll finish this in our den.

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