Ep 8:Showdown On Mirror

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Intro 2:Alive A Life by Rica Matsumoto

Union City(3rd POV)

We see Gasper and Ingvild is walking around the street while they trying to find Issei as Ingvild tried to call him using her cellphone but it didn't answer.

Ingvild:Damn it...just answer us.

Gasper:Guess we have to look around..


They look behind and saw Issei running toward to them as he hug them.

Issei:Thank god you guys are alive!

Ingvild:Baka Issei!

Gasper:We manage to escape from Saji team but they could be around somewhere wandering to fight us.

Issei:Don't worry..as long as we will team up together to fight them.

He tried to search his pocket but realised his Card Deck is missing.

Issei:*Eye Widen*Oh sh*t!

Ingvild:What wrong Issei?

Issei:My...my card deck is gone!


Issei:I gotta get my card deck back before someone pick it up!It will distracted the mirror monsters to get them!This is bad!

Gasper:Do you remember where did you lost it?

Issei then tried to think where he lost his card deck until...

Issei:Wait!I get it!

Meanwhile(Mahora Academy)

At evening,we see a door was knocked at Headmasters Office as Kouji open the door and reveal is Kenji Midoriya and a person with a hoodie on.

Kenji:Good morning Mr Kouji.

Kouji:Oh Kenji.It's been long time didn't see you here.*Look at the person*Who is he?

The person then took off his hoodie as it reveal is Azazel.

Azazel:You are Kouji Shinuka,right?

The screen then show they are sitting at the seats as Kouji ask Kenji about Union.

Kouji:So how was the investigate about Union Academy?

Kenji:They're trying to kidnap some of the civilians to join them as Atlas soldier manage to captured 200 people including 90 childrens to make them as slaves to do all the slaves works.

Kouji:I see..I have planned to send our students to rescue them.

Kenji:That's good to hear.

Kouji:*Look at Azazel*Azazel may I speak to you first?

Azazel then follow Kouji as he open the door and close it and he look at Azazel.

Kouji:I guess you're an alternate version,right?

Azazel:Guess you got me.But how did you know?

Kouji:You from those Union Academy are dead.Also I have a person that tell me about those rider battle.

Azazel:Huh so you knew it.I'm not interested in this kind of battle..but I have a rival to settle with.

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