Lesbian Steddie Series pt 5

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Green Room

Thigh riding; cunnilingus; dom/sub undertones; smoking while fucking; face slapping

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Thigh riding; cunnilingus; dom/sub undertones; smoking while fucking; face slapping

"Jeff, fucking move, you're on my shoelace again!" Gareth said, shoving Jeff's shoulder.

"Tie your fucking shoelaces then," Jeff retorted, shoving Gareth back. Eddie rolled her eyes, bringing her cigarette to her lips and pulling a long drag as Jeff and Gareth got into a shoving match.

"You're being fucking rude!" Gareth shouted.

"And you're being fucking annoying," Jeff retorted.

"Will you two relax?" Stevie giggled. "You're about to play a show, smoke a cigarette and play nicely," she said.

"What are you? Our mother?" Gareth snarked.

"You want me to tie your shoe for you, sport?" Stevie asked with a teasing grin.

"Now you have to fucking do it," Gareth walked up to her and brought his foot up to sit on her thigh.

"Tie your own fucking shoe," Eddie furrowed her eyebrows, smoke seeping past her lips.

"You insist on bringing the groupie, she might as well contribute," Gareth said with a little smirk. Stevie rolled her eyes but she grabbed the laces of Gareth's shoes and looped them around, pulling them too tight and making Gareth yelp, tugging his foot back.

"Ow, dick," he grumbled. Eddie snorted, sliding her hand around Stevie's hips to settle on her stomach.

"She contributes more than you do," Eddie snarked. "She carried most of the equipment out of the van while you two dickheads were arguing over stupid shit... again." Gareth mimicked him in a high voice as he kneels down to tie his own shoes, cut off by Frank tripping over his feet, starting an entirely new argument.

Eddie sunk back against the couch, her focus settling on the girl in her lap. Eddie rubbed her thumb against Stevie's stomach, her little waist and back dimples out on display. The pink strings of her underwear sitting so temptingly on her hips, just barely visible under her jeans. Eddie slid her hand back, fingering at the gap where her jeans stuck out from her back. She traced the line of her panties, dragging her finger up the dip of her spine and back down. She stubbed her cigarette out with her free hand, leaving it in the ashtray.

"Everyone get out, please," Eddie said, her hands sliding around Stevie's hips to sit on her belly again. The room went silent as all eyes fell to Eddie. Her tips of her fingers very obviously dipping under the band of Stevie's jeans. Eddie looked up at them as they stared at her, her eyebrows raising.

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