Lesbian Steddie Series pt 4

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Do That For Me, Baby?

Do That For Me, Baby?

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Stevie had her arms wrapped around Eddie's waist, her chin resting on top of her head with how slumped down she was. Eddies legs were laying over Stevie's, her scuffed black and white high top converse and vans socks a contrast to Stevie's pink high top converse and white ruffled socks. Their feet nudged together, Stevie's fingers fiddled with the bottom of Eddie's tee shirt, idly switching between rubbing the fabric between her fingers and tickling her fingers over Eddie's belly. Robin was splayed out on the floor, Nancy's head resting against her back. Jonathan was laying on the couch beside them, his head pillowed on Eddie's thigh, his fingers playing with Stevie's shoelaces. Argyle was laying between Jonathan's thighs, head on his stomach.

"I'm fucking hungry," Jonathan whined, burying his face in Eddie's thigh. Stevie moved her hand from Eddie's stomach to Jonathan's hair, running her fingers through it and patting sympathetically.

"Me too," Robin said, turning her head to look over her shoulder.

"We should totally get some pizza," Argyle said, turning over in Jonathan's lap so his chest was flush against Jonathan's stomach. Jon turned his head from Eddie's thigh, running his hands down Argyles head, pushing his hair back.

"Yeah," Jon nodded, "we totally need pizza."

"And fresh air," Robin said. "I want to stick my head out of the window and taste the air."

"You're so high," Nancy rolled her eyes.

"Wait no, that's a great idea, dude," Argyle gasped.

"Alright, I guess I'm driving," Nancy hugged as she pushed herself up from the floor. Robin made grabby hands at her, groaning dramatically and flailing on the floor when Nancy ignored her.

"Yay, road trip," Argyle cheered, rolling off of Jonathan to get to his feet.

"You two comin'?" Nancy asked, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"No, I'm too comfy," Eddie shook her head, tilting her head back to nudge her head against Stevie's.

"Any requests?" Nancy asked as Argyle pulled Jonathan up from the couch.

"Root beer," Stevie said.

"Root beer," Nancy repeated, grabbing Robin's hand and leading everyone toward the front door. The front door clicked shut and a minute later Nancy's car engine turned over. Eddie hummed, tilting her head back to nuzzle against Stevie's cheek.

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