Lesbian Steddie Series pt 7

523 7 1

The Consequences of a Sharp Tongue

Continuation of previous installment

Spanking; dom/sub; degradation; praise; strap-ons

Stevie put the last of the dishwasher soap into the slot, pushing it closed and shutting the dishwasher. She pressed the button to start it and tossed the empty bottle in the recycling bin. She was drying her hands on the towel hanging off of the oven rail as a pair of hands landed on her waist. A small smile instantly crept onto her face as Eddie wrapped her arms around her, tucking her chin into her neck.

"It's been so good being back home," Eddie said, pressing little kisses against Stevie's neck.

"I missed you," Stevie nodded, leaning her head back against Eddie's shoulder, letting her eyelids partially shut.

"I missed you too, sweet thing," Eddie hummed, latching her teeth around the patch of skin at the base of Stevie's neck, biting hard then wrapping her lips around it and sucking. Stevie moaned, grabbing onto Eddie's arms just for something to hold. "You know what else I missed?" Eddie whispered, sliding her lips up Stevie's neck to her ear.

"Hm?" Stevie hummed, nudging her head against Eddie's.

"I missed how red your pretty skin gets from my hand," Eddie said. "And I recall a certain promise I made over the phone a few days ago. Do you remember that promise?"

"I don't think I recall any promises," Stevie shook her head, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Oh no?" Eddie pulled her head back, sliding one arm out from around Stevie's waist. She tangled her fingers in Stevie's hair and tugged hard. A whine got choked off in her throat, her eyes wide as she was forced to look back up at Eddie. "You don't remember being a brat on the phone?" Eddie asked.

"No," Stevie mumbled.

"Oh, that's how you want to play this?" Eddie smirked. She slid her hand out of Stevie's hair, bringing it to her throat as she turned her around, pressing her up against the counter. "You want to play dumb? My dumb little brat."

"Not dumb," Stevie grumbled.

"Oh, I think you are. Nothing but a pretty face, huh?" She used her hand on Stevie's throat, two fingers under her jaw to shake her head manually. "A pretty face and nice tits." She placed her free hand on Stevie's left breast, squeezing hard until Stevie squirmed uncomfortably.

"Eddie," Stevie whined, wriggling under Eddie's hold.

"Stay still," Eddie tightened her grip around Stevie's throat, pinching her nipple hard. Stevie shouted, her muscles tightening to keep herself still. "I want you naked and sitting on your knees on the couch in the next two minutes. Is that too many instructions for my dumb girl?" Eddie asked, tipping her head up at her.

"No," Stevie whispered.

"What's your color, sweetheart?" Eddie asked in a softer tone, loosening her grip on Stevie's throat.

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