The Date

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next part! ok here we go............ Oh and this chapter is all happening on the same day when you get to, " The next morning" part so don't worry if it doesn't make sense at first. Also the same day follows into chapter 3, FYI.


Ceylan, Skyla thought as she was walking home. She finally was able to talk to someone without freaking out.

" So, how'd it go?" Terra asked when Skyla walked through the door.

" I just got back and you're already on me about meeting someone. But it was good, actually. We talked and he told me his name and I told him mine-"

" Wait, wait, wait. Who are we talking about again?" Terra said confused.

" Oh, his name is Ceylan. But I did meet this other kid that was named Toxsa and he was really weird. But anyway it was fun."

" Well it's nice to see you making friends and not being in you're room all the time." Terra said.

Just then, the door bell rang. Skyla's puppy, Kira started to bark.

" Shush, Kira!" Skyla said petting the excited puppy. It stopped and went back into the living room with Terra. Skyla opened the door to find Ceylan standing there.

" Hi again."

" Ceylan! Oh um, hi." Skyla said nervously. " Um how do you know that I lived here?"

" Well first off, you forgot your necklace at the bonfire. And second," Ceylan paused and blushed a little," I kind of followed you...."

" Stalker much!" Skyla said upset.

" Look I'm sorry. It's not every day I get to return something to a girl like you."

Skyla's face turned red. " Like me?"

" Ya. You're not what I expected you to be."

Skyla was amazed. Nobody has ever really talked to her and had given her a compliment.

" Oh um, thanks." Skyla said quietly.

" I gotta get home. See you tomorrow?"

" Um, sure, why not?"

" Great. Meet me in the park at 5:30. See you then." Then Ceylan turned and jogged off.

Skyla closed the door. Then turned and slid down until she was practically sitting on the floor.

Oh my god. Skyla thought. She wondered what this boy saw in her that nobody else did.

" What are you doing?" Terra said looking at her astonished friend.

" Oh nothing." Skyla said standing up smiling to herself.

Terra looked at Skyla in a serious way, then let out a burst of excitement.

" That was the bluenette wasn't it!"Terra said.

" What? No! No, it wasn't Ceylan," Skyla said walking faster to the stairs and ran up to her room.

" I know you're lying!" Terra yelled up the stairs.

The next morning, Skyla was walking down the street and, as always, was listening to music. As she was walking, Skyla wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into a boy.

" Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and-"

" No it's ok. I wasn't really either." said the boy she had hit.

The boy had red and black hair and was wearing red shirt with a yellow symbol on it.

" I'm Skyla, by the way," Skyla said. Then she realized that she just talked to someone without thinking. Oh what did I just do! She thought to herself.

" Nice to meet you. My name is Guren," said the boy.

" Oh here, you dropped this," Skyla said bending down to pick up something off the ground.

It looked like some type of tiny white brick. Then suddenly, and image of a red and white robot flashed through Skyla's mind. She jumped and looked around.

" Are you ok?" Guren said looking at her with confusion.

" Yes, I think so," Skyla said slowly handing the brick back to him. What was that! She thought.

" You sure you're ok?"

" Ya I'm fine," she said as her final answer, even though she had just saw the weirdest and most

Skyla looked at her wristwatch to check the time. It was 12:35.

" Oh, shoot! I have to meet Terra for lunch! It was nice meeting you, Guren!" She waved and ran all the way to the mall.

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