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Eden's POV

I twisted the knob pushing the door open. I hurriedly went to the living room where I smelled Pierce.

In there was Cassie, her mate I'm guessing, alpha, Luna, head warrior and his mate. I didn't want Pierce to have to do when the rare time comes up when a she wolf is pregnant by rouge.

The child has to live with the alpha and luna for a few years and the mother can't see said child. Its to make sure the child isn't dangerous. Its stupid!

I've had enough of their scrutinizing my baby. I marched up to Cassie just as she was handing him to Luna Lily. "Hell no." I said in an angry voice.

The Luna looked at me upset which made alpha aiden upset. He growled at me. "hand over the boy." I glared at him shocking everyone. "No." He let out a louder growl so powerful everyone bared their neck in submission but me.

If I were a normal wolf I'd hand Pierce over. But I'm not. I scoffed. "I said no." Even the Alpha was shocked when I was able to resist.

I took that time to begin checking Pierce for wounds. Just my motherly instinct. "Look at mommy." I cooed knowing he wasn't sleeping. He opened one bright blue eye gaining a gasp from everyone.

He opened the other one. Pierce, he had these super light blue eyes, lightly tan skin, chubby cheeks and a full head of red brown curls.

"Hi baby." I cooed kissing his cheeks. "Eden Claire I'm afraid we have to take him." Luna lily said sadly. Pft.

"Eden Claire don't give them my great grand baby!" Nana cried walking in followed by a nervous Mary. "The offspring of rouge." Cassie's mate murmured.

"Aiden Brenden you should be ashamed! That baby is no danger to us and you know it!" Nana scolded smacking his head. Mary came over to me.

"I'm sorry Cassie got too excited." Mary muttered tucking a loose dark strand away. "Yeah seems like it." I spat making funny faces at Pierce to hear him giggle.

"How old are you?" I asked, as Nana was scolding aiden and lily looking amused. "18. So are Cassie, her mate Michael and my mate Alex." I eyed the pack warrior and his mate.

"Oh my God." I groaned running a hand over my hair. Yeah I worship the same God as humans. Not the moon goddess. My mum taught me that.

"Did you say God?" Mary asked rubbing her big bump. Casdie and Michael came over to us. "You don't worship the moon goddess?" Michael asked in shock.

I frowned shaking my head. "My mum preferred God." Pierce began to make gurgling noises. "Why?" Cassie put her arm around Michael's waist.

"For generations my family worshipped God not the wolves moon goddess." They all cringed. "He's done more for me than I can be thankful for." I murmured quietly looking at Pierce.

They didn't say anything for a few minutes. It was silent until I got shocked. Pierce just said "ma ma!" Pulling on my hair lightly.

"Oh my goddess he just called you ma ma!" Mary cried excited. Cassie nudged michael. "Isn't that sweet?!" Cassie cried grinning.

"Its awesome." He simply said. I rolled my eyes looking at Pierce. "Say it again for mommy Pierce." I encouraged grinning. "Ma ma." He stated giving me a gummy smile.

"Hey I'm gonna head home. Its nearing 1:30 feeding time for him." I told them awkwardly. "Here take my number." I took my phone out in put in Mary's along with Cassie's and Michael's.

Waving bye I began walking to Nana and I's house. "Mutt go the fuck away with your nappy hair and rouge baby." Taylor the main girl who bullies me bumped my shoulder.

Chuckling I walked away from her. "Mommy loves you and she'll never leave." I promised, taking my key chain off and unlocking our door.

I have Nana lock the door at all times since we almost got robbed a few times. I went to the kitchen putting Pierce in his high chair.

I put a small handful of Cheerios on the tray as he babbles and gurgles slowly eating.

After that I spoon fee him some yogurt and a little formula. Walking upstairs I went to my room placing Pierce on my bed. I took his onsie off.

Nana said since the weather gets hot, its good for him to sleep only in diaper at times. I rocked him for a little bit thinking.

I'm not happy that the rouge raped me but at least I got Pierce. I gently laid him down in his green and gray crib. His breathing steady. Stretching I took off my shorts and tank top.

Crawling in bed in my undergarments I think of life if I had a mate. Soon I fell asleep.

Eden ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now