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Fuck it I like this story too much to care what yinz think. I'm gonna write it for me now.

Eden's POV

"Riley shouldn't we head over to the meeting. Alpha said-" Nana cut him off. "I will personally bend that boy over my knee and just smack!"

Pierce lifted his head up, giggling at Nana. I've noticed how his hair is kinda like white people hair its definitely softer but curly.

"You heard her," the other warrior said smugly. So we waited for her to finish patching up the guys.

Walking up to miss. Ann I said "You can go over to the meeting we're just locking up," giving me a grateful smile she hurriedly left.

I noticed as the warriors left that the one with blonde hair is the only..laid back one. Everyone else has a stick up their ass.

"Are you coming Eden Claire?" Nana called as Riley gave me a questioning look. "Yeah I just uh nvm," I lamely finished.

I rushed past them, as Pierce was babbling and smiling up at me. "You're so precious," I cooed making him squeal in happiness.

I giggled as my feet met the grass crunching as I walked to the pack meeting. I noticed Mary and Alex but went to Jamie.

"Hey Eden. How are you feeling?" He asked giving me a side hug. "Good I'm good," I breathed focusing on Pierce.

"Everyone places!" I quickly walked away from Jamie standing in the near back. I don't like being up front unlike Nana.

"Beta Michael and his wife Cassie gave birth to their beautiful baby girl Annalee!" His voice boomed. Cheers came from the crowd as I met Cassie's eyes.

I shot her a smile bouncing Pierce a little bit as he chewed on my hair. She look disgusted as I laughed.

You get used to it after awhile...Ari looked at me laughter in her eyes. I shrugged giving her the what can you do bout it look.

I ignored Tyler talking as I could care less what was said about the pack having to get work done in parts of the house.

"I love you Pierce baby," I cooed at him, making my baby squeal in delight pulling my hair. I giggled at him. "I wuv you too ma ma," Pierce murmured.

I looked at him with utter adoration in my eyes. I heard Riley's voice. I perked up about to look up when my wolf snarled. Our baby is more important than that prick, she spat.

I could feel her distress so I refuse to look up. "We are opening up our daily training sessions now to anyone who's open to coming and learning. Anyone 11 years old and up are welcomed. We train daily, from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm on weekends. During week days we train 2:50 pm to 6:40. You come to this field to train not to stand and watch. Am I clear?" Riley's voice boomed.

I smirked as nobody said anything. Even though we didn't mark each other or mate I can still feel him through the bond and boy he was irritated.

"I said am I clear?!" He called in a louder tone making everyone say "yes Riley!" I giggled mocking him. "I said am I bloody clear!" I said making my voice deeper.

This made Pierce giggle loudly as I stifled my own. Some people gasped others whispered. Our pack is big on respect... Me not so much.

"Who said that?" Riley called eyes dark. Tyler and Michael were smirking big as Ari and Cassie frowned. I chuckled before calling, "Me darling,"

I began freaking out on my wolf as she momentarily took control to say that. Riley's eyes softened but hardened. "Don't disrespect me like that! I am of higher rank and your mate!"

People gasped at that part. As today was already a bad day, that was only fuel to the fire. "And would you like a cookie for that babe?" I called shocking everyone.

But what shocked me was his response. He relaxed and his eyes lightened. He ran a hand through the top of his hair biting his bottom lip.

I kid you not so many girls began swooning over that. Pft I've seen better, my wolf muttered ever so stubborn. "Actually yes I would love one,"

That response made me so mad I flipped him off and stormed off. But froze when I heard Tyler. "Eden Claire get back here this meeting is not over." My wolf and I struggled hard to fight the order.

I looked down at Pierce as he looked up at me. His eyes said it all. Sighing I went back. Riley smiled at me as I scoffed. He frowned deciding to stare at me.

I looked at Tyler the whole time he explained how the different things would be around the pack house. I looked down at the silver band on my finger smiling.

Oh Eli how I miss you I whispered in my head. "Ma maaaa," Pierce drawled as my heart raced. I noticed people leaving. Sighing in relief I quickly walked home.
After Nana and Jamie came in I locked the door. Jamie took longer than Nana so I let her take Pierce up to bathe.

Jogging up the stairs I went to my room seeing Pierce in his crib watching Handy Mandy. Its almost 8 already. Taking my purse off I took my shoes socks and clothes off.

Sighing I went to the bathroom leaving it open in case Pierce needed me. Quickly washing up and shaving I got out. I rubbed lotion on.

Going in my room I put panties and a shirt on noticing Pierce asleep. Smiling I combed my hair braiding it as it dried. Crawling in bed I put family guy on.

Even though we had a strong fan I was a bit hot. So I tossed my shirt off laying on top of my sheet. I fell asleep to Riley crawling in bed in boxers only.

I heard him whisper, "Damn," lightly stroking my breast. Rolling on my stomach I fell asleep.

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