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Eden's POV

After awhile we all left to give the new family space. I drove my truck back and Riley drove his car.

I was listening to the radio until it came to a commercial. Scowling I switched it coming to the middle of I bet by Ciara.

And me being me I of course sang my favorite parts. "Is that yo bitch over there? Givin me the ugly stare."

I softly sang the rest as I looked in my rearview mirror at Pierce. Silly boy was asleep! Chuckling I pulled up to the house parking.

Riley parked beside me getting out as I sat there. I turned my car off, getting out. Riley grabbed Pierce so I locked up.

I sat in the rocking chair reading The Fault in Our Stars. Pierce was in the yard, on a blanket playing with toys.

Beside me on the table was a pitcher of lemon water and my yellow radio on low. I sighed feeling content. I almost felt.. Normal.

Augustus and Hazel Grace were just so adorable I love these two. I'm currently reading the part where they egg his ex's house.

Drunk in love..we be all night!

Groaning I rolled my eyes at the over played song but still hummed along. Some of the older women glared walking by. Their ears being sensitive.

I scowled flipping the bird. They gasped rushing away to the pack house. Snickering, I slid my sunglasses down as the sun came out. Placing my glasses on my head, I sipped my water.

I watched Pierce as he babbled to himself playing with his toys. I so needed my own place in the city, I thought setting my glass down.

"Eden Claire!" Cass hollered as a commercial came on. I gave her a finger wave, placing my bookmark in the book.

She recently went into early labour but her baby was dead when he came out. I just felt sorry for her..she and Michael mope around. I switched to 96.1 as some pop tune came on.

"How y'all been?" She chirped sitting on the step. Nana just has a small porch.. "We've been good thank you. How are you and Michael holding up?"

Pouring her a glass of water passing it over. I switched the radio station on to a new song as she drank.

How many nights does it take to count the stars
That's the time itll take to fix my heart..

I smiled. I love this song. Yes I'm a one direction fan suck my toe. Her eyes glazed over. Pack link I mused looking at Pierce.

"I uh, have to go!" She shouted jumping up and walking away fast. I shrugged, turning off the radio. Getting up I put the things inside.

"Come here baby," I cooed walking to pierce. Picking him up I grabbed his things, going inside.

"Mommy's gonna do something and you have to come." He smiled a twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Go now?" He asked shocking me. I walked upstairs. "I've got to grab stuff," I walked in my room getting my purse and his bag.

Going downstairs I grabbed his snacks placing them in the bag. Hiking up the bags I dragged it all outside, Pierce eating my hair.

"Need some help babe?" Riley called walking from the trees. A few bitches walked by, giggling and blushing.

"No Romeo, I got this." Unlocking my truck I placed my bags in the back, buckling pierce up. "Ooh so strong." He joked wriggling his fingers.

Rolling my eyes I slammed the door shut. Walking away, I felt him walking behind me.

"Um what are you doing?" Riley questioned as I opened the door. "Uh, getting in to drive?" He grinned shaking his head.

"As the man I'm driving. You can just sit beside me and look pretty." My eye on twitched at the bullshit. "No I am."

He shut the door. "No I am. As the man I drive."
"As the woman I drive."
"As the stronger mate I drive."
My eye did it again. "As the owner of this truck I drive."

That shut him up. Smirking I opened the door, jumping in. Riley let out laughter. "Y-you have to j-j-jump in it! That was so priceless dude! The look on your face- hey!"

I started to drive away, smirking. When he had his fun, I already shut the door and began driving.

Laughing I kept teasing him, driving, stopping, driving, stopping and so on. Then I finally let him in.

"So where are we going?" Riley quietly asks rubbing his hand on my thigh. Clenching my hand on the wheel I replied, "To get a tattoo."

Riley growled squeezing my thigh. I winked at him.

Oh yeah that's her tattoo...forgot to mention that.

Eden ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now