9: The Night

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Pyro drove Serena home. The car ride was silent. Serena would've spoken to him, but he seemed lost in thought. His eyes were soft, and they watched the road. His left arm held onto the wheel while the other rested beside him.

She could never deny the fact that she liked him, but every time they got close, something else came up. They had known each other for such a long time. It felt so right, but it just never fell into place. He asked her to be his girlfriend a while back. She would have said yes, but Giddion had already asked her. She should have left him sooner if she knew how much of an asshole he'd be.

After they started dating, Giddion never let her see him because he hated Pyro. They never talked, so their romantic feelings for each other now feel awkward.

He pulled into the driveway of her family's shiny mansion that glistened in the moonlight. She got out of the car, looking back at him. Reality hit back. Her parents were still going to get her to marry someone, and it would never be Pyro. Pyro was an orphan all his life, and he was apparently too 'reckless' for her parents.

She turned to face her house. He could tell she seemed bothered. He got out of the car and walked up beside her.

"You ok?"

She turned to face him a little surprised.

"Oh! Y-Yeah..."
He chuckled softly while she looked at him confused.

"I guess we're both bad liars." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she chuckled a little.

"I was just thinking."


Her voice got softer
"You and me.....before I dated Giddion."

Pyro blushed a little. He was so happy she remembered that. He seriously missed that time.

She looked at him, "We were just really close then. I'm just happy we get to see each other again." She smiled sweetly.

He tilted her chin up to look at him. He could hear the slight shudder in her breath.

"I'll be looking forward to our next mission, Princess." He smirked as he saw her face get a little red. He let go as she took a step back shyly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She waved a little be flusterd, and walked to the door to her house.

She went inside. It was dark. All the lights were off except the TV. Her dad was passed out on the couch with bottles of liquor laid on the ground.

The maids and butlers must have already gone to bed. She liked this. No one around. Just peace and quiet.

She walked into her bedroom. She saw a note laying on the bed. It was from one of her maids.

Master Serena,

Your mom has left on a trip away from your father. It seems that their marriage isn't the best right now. Your dad will be at work every day, so me and the rest of the staff will take care of you.

She set the note down. Her mom never raised her. She raised herself. She changed into a sweatshirt and shorts and laid on her bed. She hugged her pillow and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes a few minutes later, thinking the night had gone by so fast, but instead, she was in a void of darkness. Glowing particles circled around her as she felt her dreamer energy getting stronger. She was in the dream realm


She stood up. She felt different than she did last night. She felt stronger. Maybe it was because she had already used her ability? Well, whatever it was, she felt a connection with the dream realm now.

She walked around and saw the same people standing still. They were asleep, and she then saw her father. She walked up to his cold, expressionless face. She laid her fingers on his face. He was as cold as ice! Suddenly, his body turned colder, and his expression changed. His was breathing hard and nervously. She backed up. What did she do!?

"It's okay," she felt a hand on her shoulder, "He's going to be fine."
It was Damion. He was monitoring the dream realm again. He walked up to her father. He placed his palm on her father's head. Blue dream energy emerged from his hand.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered. Her father was no longer stressed. His face was expressionless and cold.

"Have trouble falling asleep, I see?" He walked up to her. She nodded.

"That happens to the people if I touch them?" She asked quietly.

"No, you just don't have a full grasp of your powers yet." He looked at her with a reassuring smile.

"How did everything go tonight?"

"It was good," she smiled, "I got to use my powers."

He smiled to himself. Her voice was so sweet. It pulled on his heartstrings every time he heard it.

"If it was good, why can't you sleep?"

"She went quiet. I don't really know why. I guess I just have a lot on my mind, is all."

He smiled sympathetically as he placed his other hand on her other shoulder. She blushed. Everything about him was so majestic in the dream realm, like an angel.

"How about you tell me, tomorrow."
she gasped a little. Their faces were so close. This was bad. She still had feelings for Pyro, but she couldn't help but stare into his sky blue eyes."

"Okay." She smiled.

The blue glow on his body grew brighter as particles formed around his hand. Her eyes fluttered, and all she saw was his sweet smile.

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