26: The Uprising

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September 14th

Floor -5

Serena panted as she looked at the ground. She wasnt sure how much more she could take.

"Again, Serena. This time, I want you to knock me down." Giddion stared cold at Serena's state. They had been training for 6 hours straight.

She threw more punches filled with dreamer energy. Giddion dodged them and blocked them from hurting him. She was getting faster, but the mental strain was still bad.

"Pitiful." He scoffed as she looked at him angrily.

"Brother, cut her some slack!" Damion yelled from the stands. Ariel and Mateo sat there with him.

"Shh, Damion! Don't question him. He IS the teacher." Ariel said obnoxiously.

Giddion smiled in approval, "Now, again."

"Wait." Mateo looked up from his phone.

"What?" Giddion looked at him annoyed.

"If Pyro is back, can't he just be her trainer again?"

Giddion relaxed his stance, "My father has made it clear that he wants Pyro no where near us. He is possessing thousands of nightmares in that ring, so he's very dangerous."

He faced Serena again, "Plus, he hasn't responded to any of our texts all week."

Serena readied herself.

The two started fighting. Serena launched dreamer energy at him as Giddion dodged them.

"You're too slow." He said rudely.

She looked angry as she punched him clean across the face with dreamer energy. He fell over, holding his face.

"Um, are you okay?" She asked. He stumbled getting up. He smiled slightly, "Very good."

She smiled. Just then Mira came running in.

"Guys! Guys!" Mira rushed in holding a piece of paper.

They all walked over to her as she showed them the paper.

"The information states location of that underground subway Pyro and Serena went to. They're holding an uprising there at 7:00 pm!"

They all looked shocked.

"We have to stop it!" Ariel snatched the poster and looked at it herself.

"If all the people unite as one, the Dreamers don't stand a chance," Giddion stated.

They all looked at each other, but Serena was lost in thought.

I mean, yeah, all of the people here are Dreamers. But then again, the Dreamers did this to themselves. She felt conflicted if the side she was on was the right side.

She decided to not share this. The last thing she wanted was the same fate Pyro faced.

"Two of us should sneak in and investigate this gathering." Mateo requested.

"Me and Damion will go." Giddion walked next to Damion.

"You and me?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem?"

"N-No. Me and him will investigate it tonight."

The five of them nodded as Damion and Giddion started on their way to the elevator.

"Us four should check on Pyro. It's been a whole week." Mira said putting the poster in her pocket."

"Actually, I have somewhere I need to be." Ariel started walking to the elevator.

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