55: The Tunnels

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Serena was left at the dead end of a subway track. She was there, alone, and freezing. She sat there cuffed by her wrists and ankles.

Why was this happening? She felt weak. Her body hurt, her head hurt, and she was exhausted. Why is she the one having to endure this suffering.

Truth be told. She had never asked to live this life. The day she found out she was a dreamer, she was with Damion. She loved him, and now she wanted him to leave her life forever. She felt so confused. Her life has been a roller coaster of change ever since she became a dreamer. She thought back to what Pyro said to her that first time they saw each other again.


"Giddion's father has been working my ass off. Nightmares have been popping up that the 2nd grade Dreamers can't handle."

He walked a little closer.
"Damn, I wish I could be relaxing every now and then."
He placed his gentle fingers on her chin and tilted it up and smirked,
"You got it made gorgeous."


Pyro has been living this life since he was six. All the dreamers live this life. She teared up.

"Why, why am I a dreamer too!"

She sobbed.

"What did I do to deserve this!"

She cried into her hands. She felt helpless and weak. Pyro has been right since the very beginning. She could tell since the moment she found out that he seemed worried about her; and he was right. This life is nothing but a living hell.

"Serena!" She heard a familiar voice yell.

"A-Ariel...." she looked up weakly.

"Oh, my god. What the hell did they do to you?" Ariel looked at Serena's weak body.


"You're a mess. Come on, we have to get out of here."

Serena looked surprised to see Ariel unlocking her cuffs with a key.

"H-How do you have that?"

She sighed, "They captured me too. They gave me the key to get you out of your cuffs so you can walk. Gianna seems to be up to no good."

Serena looked at Ariel as she unlocked Serena's cuffs.

"My guess is, there are probably traps that she has prepared for our route back."

She picked up Serena and put her arm around her shoulder.

"Just hang tight, girl. We're going to get out of this hellhole together."

Ariel started walking down the subway track with Serena's barely-conscious body.

The sounds of dripping water and rats echoed the track.

"God, for someone as materialistic as Gianna, she couldn't have picked a nicer hideout?" Ariel scowled at the surroundings.

Serena let go of Ariel and started walking on her own, "W-With this many tunnels, she'll be able to use her Nightmare manipulation more effectively."

"How so?"

"The only direction we can run is the other direction. We're trapped."

Ariel groaned, "Damn that bitch. I hate that whole family. When I get out of here: I'm so dumping, Giddion."

"If only my situation was that simple," Serena said quietly.

"What happened."

"Damion, he..... he won't leave me alone."

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