#17 Growing up

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He had his arm around your waist and tugged you to your feet, chuckling as you stared up at him wonderingly. He cooed at you and said gently, "C'mon, walk for me. Walk before I have to leave, please (Y/N)." You were standing with him and the rest of your family as you waited in the airport for Liam to have to go on his flight. "Please (Y/N)," he begged softly, tugging you forward a bit. You moved one foot and then the other but you were leaning heavily on your brother. Softly, he pulled back a little, finger by finger, still leading you on until you were walking completely on your own. Of course you fell a few times but Liam crouched a few feet away from you, his arms wide open and his smile big, "Come on baby! Just a few more steps!" When you reached him, he lifted you up in the air and spun you around, "You did great love!" But when he brought you back down so he could see your smiling and bemused face, his eyes got a little red and he muttered, "I can't believe you're going to grow up without me for three months."


Age 16 - "But...but..." your brother stared at you from his perch on the couch. "You can't be going out with your boyfriend. You can't have a boyfriend." "Well I do and I'm late," you said in a distracted voice, looking down into your bag to make sure you had everything, "So do I have your permission to leave now?" Zayn was in charge of you this week since your mom had gone on a mini vacation with a few friends. His mouth hung open for a few seconds before muttering, "No...but I guess." "Zayn," you sighed, dropping your bag and going to sit next to him. "Is everything okay?" "No!" he almost shouted, "I leave for three months and come back and you're in makeup and have a boyfriend. And you're growing up. And I'm not around all the time to make sure you're okay. And it's not okay, nothing is okay!" His eyes were red despite his raised voice. Startled, but feeling emotional yourself, you cooed and put your arms around his neck, hugging your brother. He was breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms completely around you and lifted you up onto his lap, kissing the top of your head.


Age 17 - You bit your lip and watched him pull his luggage out of the back of your car. As a seventeen year old, having your older brother gone for six months was going to suck and having to be the one to bring him to the airport made it even worse. He smiled at you comfortingly and held out a hand, "Walk me in, yeah?" You nodded and took one of his bags in one hand, grasping his hand in the other. It took a surprisingly short amount of time for Harry to get his bags checked and he was ready to go into security where you couldn't follow him. He squeezed your hand, wanting to go quickly, and said, "I guess I should go- (Y/N) please don't cry." "What do you except me to do Harry? Smile and say bye?" you asked shakily, feeling the tears pour down your face. He sighed unhappily and dropped his leather bag, pulling you quickly into his arms and pressing your head against his chest. "Why did you have to grow up Harry?" you asked, roughly gripping his shirt and sobbing into his chest. His face broke and he bent down, kissing the top of your head, "We all have to (Y/N). But that doesn't change the way I feel about you."


Age 18 - You knocked on his door, biting your lip and hearing him jerk awake and make a muffled call, "Come in." You walked in slowly as he flipped on a dim light by his bed and squinted at you, clearly exhausted, "(Y/N)...it's really late...or early I guess. What are you doing?" Sitting on the side of his bed, you sighed and looked at him, saying in a blank voice, "He broke up with me. And he wouldn't tell me why. But I didn't know what to do so I came in here. Sorry for waking you up." His eyes softened and he sat up, "Are you okay?" You shook your head and sighed, trying not to cry. Louis saw past that and he opened his arms, pulling you up against his lap and resting your head on his shoulder, "Then cry." Louis rocked you back and forth as you cried into his t-shirt, shaking as he kept sighing, muttering, "I tried so hard to protect you. Why do you have to grow up?"


Age 15 - "Look at us," you grinned, staring down at an old picture of you and your brother, Niall. Niall came up behind you and looked at the picture, smiling softly and tapping your nose, "You were so cute, what happened?" "I got sexy that's what happened," you rolled your eyes and didn't look up from the picture. Today was the last day your brother would be home before tour and you two were preparing to go to a movie but the picture had caught your eye. You missed the days when Niall was always there for you in person not just over the phone. You didn't want to think about tomorrow when you were going to miss your brother so much again for six more months. "Why do we have to grow up?" you asked softly, fingering the picture were your's and Niall's hands interlocked. Niall looked down at you, a little surprised at how your tone had changed but looking sad at the same time. He put an arm around and rubbed your shoulders, sighing, "We just have to princess. doesn't mean anything between you and me will ever change." He kissed the top of your head and gently took the picture from your hands, tucking it in his back pocket, "I want to keep this with me on tour. But come on love, we're going to be late for our movie!"

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