#29 You Fall Asleep On a 5sos Member

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Zayn had the rest of the boys plus the 5 seconds of summer guys over for a party that was still going on late at night. You had made your way inside and decided to keep it calm and put in a DVD to watch and maybe fall asleep to. About ten minutes into the movie, you felt someone join you. "Care for some company?" It was Calum. "Sure" He sat down close to you and as the movie went on, you felt yourself moving closer and closer to his side and before you knew it, you were dozing off with your head in his lap. "(YN)!" you heard a loud yell and almost came out of your doze when you heard Calum quietened him down. "She fell asleep a while ago, i just don't' want to move in case she wakes up." "Ahh, cover her up, i don't want her to get cold and by the way, Calum?" "Yeah?" "Told you she liked you too." Calum glanced down at you with a grin and patted your hair away from your eyes. "You hear that, (YN), or are you just going to pretend that you slept through that?"


"Do you guys have to be so loud!" you holler and the voices of the nine boys quieted down. "Sorry, (YN), forgot you were studying!" "Yeah, keep it down!" you say, "I'm already struggling enough with math as it is" "Math?" you heard Luke and turned around. "Yeah, it's my worst subject." "One of my best, want help." "Louis, you okay with that?" "Sure, just don't let anything else happen, i'll be checking up on you two!" Laughing, Luke joined you with your homework. "You seem to have this down." He says inspecting your work on your bed and you laugh. "I know, i do. I just wanted you alone, i missed you. You never talk to me." You pushed him down and laid at his side, just resting there. "I miss being able to do this, Luke." "Me too." He says and when Louis came up to check on you two, you were both asleep, your head on his chest. "Yeah, you really studied." Louis muttered going back to join the other boys.


The tour was really taking it's toll on you and you were currently sick on the tour bus. Harry stayed with you whenever he could and when he couldn't, he had one of the 5sos guys come in and stay with you and every time, it was Michael. "How's miss sicky doing today?" He laughed, seeing you on the couch, curled up in a warm blanket, some cheesy chick flick on the tv in front of you. "I want to die." you say and cough some more. "Sounds like it." He lifted your head up and set it on his lap before massaging your temples. "That feels amazing." you say softly, finally relaxing some more that some of the pain was going away. "Good. You should sleep now, i'll still be here when you wake up, i promise." "Why is it always you coming over?" you ask and he smirks. "Because i always volunteer. You're a fun person to be around, i suppose you'd be funnier when you're not sick, but for now, this is alright." You didn't laugh back as you had fallen asleep and Michael chuckled to himself. "Or maybe i'm the funny one. So funny you fall asleep to me."


Somehow Niall had gotten you to be an extra in the next 5 Seconds of Summer music video and you got to be Ashton's love interest. In between takes of the video, you'd lounge around with Ashton and it got to the point where the video had been filming all day and you were getting tired. They called the two of you to set one more time, you filmed the scene and as soon as the director called cut, you nearly fell and Ashton caught you in his arms. "You really are tired aren't you?" "I wasn't joking." you mumble into his jacket and he just laughed, bringing you to one of the dressing rooms they had near the set and placed you onto the couch, about to leave himself. "Where are you going?" you ask and he stopped. "I was gonna let you sleep." "Don't leave me alone." you pout and he shakes his head, sitting in front of you and you growled. "No, up here!" "You sure?" "Niall's not here so yes i'm sure!" "If he kills me, i'm coming back to haunt you." He says and you grin. "I'll see you then, Ash, but you're still not going anywhere now."


You had just gotten off the flight that was going to let you stay and visit your brother, Liam, while he was on tour. The time difference didn't take long to take control of you and the entire cab ride to their current hotel you were fighting back sleep. Once you entered the hotel, you only saw the 5sos boys, not the one direction boys and your brother. "Where's Liam and the guys?" you asked and three of them shrugged while Calum didn't have a clear answer either, but he was actually going to respond. "Probably in the studio or something. You alright? You look tired." "Just got off the plane and i was already tired before i got onto the plane and now, it's just, i want to sleep, that's all i want to do and i can't do that til Liam gets back now, great." "You can lay here next to me, i don't mind." "You sure?" you ask and sit next to him, laying down. He nods. "Yeah, you're not bothering me any, sleep." It didn't take long for sleep to get you and when you did, your head slipped onto Calum's lap. "She still not bothering you?" Luke asked and Calum looked down. "Nope. Wait, she's Liam's sister" "And?" "He told me i couldn't date her!" "I lied, she looks comfortable, just be careful with her." Liam said walking in and going to his room.

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