#82 You have a bad day and you wont leave your room

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A breakup, a failed test, and a huge bruise on your knee from tripping on the walk home. Bad day. Pushing open the front door to you and Louis' flat, you ignored his cheerful hello, threw your bag across the room, stormed into your room and locked the door. "Babe? Love? What's going on?" "Nothing Tomlinson now get the heck away from my bedroom door before I open it up and smack you so hard you'll cry!" you screamed kicking the door and then sliding down the wall crying. "Over-reactment," Louis muttered, backing away from the door. "All right what's going on?" You had cried for a good twenty minutes before you heard the Irish accent and spun around to see five boys coming into your room, lounging around. "I had a bad day boobear!" you finally fessed up, crying harder and running into your brother's arms. "It's okay baby, it happens," he shushed you, rubbing your hair back. You explained everything that happened and Harry whistled when you finished, "Ouch fate was really against you today." Louis shot him a look as Zayn shoved him a little and Louis kissed your forehead, "We can make you feel better yeah? How about we all go get ice cream and then go bowling? I know you love bowling boo."


Liam didn't believe in locks on your doors so that made it rather hard for you to be alone. You had a bad day and you weren't one to cry but you were nearly there. So you shoved a chair up against your door and tried not to get mad when you heard your brother talking, "Hey so I was thinking- why can't I open your door?" He wiggled the door more and got a little nervous, "Baby? You okay?" "I just want to be alone Liam," you sighed, putting in your headphones. "You shouldn't lock me out. That's not safe, can't you talk to me about what's bothering you?" "I'm not coming out of my room," you sighed and blocked him out. It wasn't until a half hour later that you heard his voice again, "Hun?" "Liam, I'm not coming out." "Okay then we're coming in." "We're?" Not one but five voices counted to three and five bodies were rammed against your door, causing the chair to fly to the side and five guys fell in. "I don't want to t-talk Li-liam," you said, your voice breaking as you dissolved into tears. "I had a bad day!" you cried, letting your brother rush over and hug you. Liam shushed you for a few minutes before muttering, "I can tell you're not ready to talk about it yet. So how about we all just go out to the cinema? And out to dinner? To cheer up my baby sister?" "Yes food!" Niall shouted before you could answer, running out of the room, "Come on guys!"


No one wanted Styles baby sister. You weren't the special one of the family; that was your brother. It wasn't like anyone purposely mistreated you, least of all your brother, but you got enough hate from the fans to find yourself locked up in your room sobbing one night. There was knocking on your door, "Hun, love? Why don't you come out and tell me what's wrong?" Harry asked gently from the other side. "No!" you shouted, starting to cry harder. "But honey how am I supposed to help you if you won't let me see you?" he asked reasonably. "I didn't ask for help! Now go away!" "All right, all right," he sighed. You heard him walk away from your door but it wasn't long before you heard him and a few others walking back up the stairs. A key slid into the lock and Zayn led the way into your room, followed by the rest of the boys. "Hi love, what's wrong?" Liam asked, ruffling your hair. "Why are you crying," Harry pouted, crouching in front of you and thumbing away your tears. "I had a bad day and I'm ugly," you stated simply, pulling away from all of them. They're mouths fell open and Harry reached forward, pulling you into him, "Baby, baby, baby no. You're beautiful. We all have bad days but that doesn't mean we can think that way about ourselves. Baby you're a Styles, you are freaking gorgeous. Come cuddle with me and the boys and we'll make the bad day go away."


You didn't really have a room on the bus so that made it 99% harder to have a good breakdown like you needed to. You were taking deep breaths as you jumped off the bus the second it stopped and sprinted into the arena. Finding an unused dressing room, you barged in, locked the door and collapsed on the couch dissolving into tears. Being on tour with your brother was hard especially since you and your boyfriend Luke were in a fight and you had just spent the whole morning watching girls pounce on him. It wasn't long before you heard the knocking and the voice of your brother, "Baby, please come out." "No, go away Zayn." After a few more minutes, you heard him sigh in defeat and walk away. But eventually you heard a key slide into the lock and five boys were walking into the room, shutting the door after themselves. "Sweetie what happened?" Zayn asked gently, sitting down next to you on the couch and rubbing your back. "Who made my baby cry?" he suddenly growled, checking out your face as you rolled around. "My guess is Luke," Niall spoke up. When you didn't answer and everyone looked at him, he kept going, "Her and Luke had a fight and from what I've seen, he's been going out of his way today to get some attention from the female fans." "He did that?" Zayn's face grew darker. The boys spent a little while rebuilding your self esteem and just cheering you up while Zayn held you protectively. And it wasn't long before Luke was knocking the door.


Sometimes, you just had to take a day down. You locked your door and turned on Coldplay, trying to ignore the world around you. Your phone was on airplane mode and it wasn't long before you heard the constant banging on your door. "Love, why're ya blasting such depressing music? It's kinda a downer," Niall said from behind the door. "Love?" "Go away Niall!" you shouted, throwing a shoe at your door even though he was on the other side. You heard him jump back when the shoe thudded against the door but soon you heard him again, his voice so soft that you had to turn down the music to hear him, "Princess what's wrong?" It didn't take long for him to realize you weren't going to answer. But it also didn't take long for him to call the boys and have them come over. Louis picked the lock on your door and suddenly five boys were barging into your room. "All right what happened?" Harry asked, sitting on the floor in front of you as Niall sat next to you and pulled you onto his lap. It didn't take long for you to just explain why you had a crappy day and they all cooed when you finished. "Someone needs a good cuddle," Niall cooed softly, pulling you tighter against his chest. "We'll go get some movies and blankets and all have a right good cuddle," Zayn announced while they ran out of your room. "Thank you," you whispered to Niall who had stayed with you. "Whenever your down I'm here princess."

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