#55 You get hurt (Age 2)

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You tried really hard not to cry as you sat on the ground and stared at the already forming bruise. Your brother walked into the living room, startled to see you sitting behind the couch holding your leg. First standing back and looking at you for a few seconds, running his hands through his hair and raising an eyebrow, he then came over. Once he came up he tried to tickle you, confused when you pushed his hands away. So he crouched next to you and tilted your head up, "Why have you been crying bubba?" You shrugged, looking down and crying again as he pried your fingers away from your leg and exhaled, "Oh somebody got a booboo." You nodded, rubbing your eyes and crawling into his lap helplessly. Chuckling slightly, he adjusted you more comfortably on his lap as he started to rub your back, "Why didn't you call me honey? Let's go get ice for this." He stood up, cradling you against his chest and moved into the kitchen to get a little ice packet.


Your big brother massaged the soap through your hair and rinsed it out gently, refilling a cup of warm water to pour over your head. You giggled as the bubbles splashed in your mouth and you played with the Barbie doll in front of you, making it float in the bathtub. He turned away for one second while you leaned forward and smashed your head against the side of the tub. There was a moment of shocked silence before you burst into silent tears and sat back down in the water, rubbing your head. Liam spun around on his heel looking surprised and asked what had happened; all you could do was cry. He quickly picked you up and wrapped you in a warm towel, carrying you into his bedroom where he sat you down on the bed and crouched in front of you. "Where does it hurt sweetie?" "I hit my head!" you sobbed, rubbing the sore spot. Liam made a knowing sound and frowned, rubbing back your hair and kissing your forehead, "What can I do to make it all better?" "I need a plaster and a cookie," you sniffled, making him chuckle. He jumped to his feet and put his fists on his hip in the superman pose, "Coming right up!"


Trying to stop yourself from screaming out because you knew you had been naughty, you stared at the blood mixed with the tears and wiped your eyes. Whistling, your brother came into the kitchen and looked down at you sitting on the floor by the fridge, "What're you doing little leprechaun?" Then he noticed you crying and immediately dropped down next to you, pulling you into his arms, "What happened?" "I was trying to get a cookie and I fell!" you cried, showing him the cut on your arm. He laughed despite himself and picked you up, setting you on the kitchen counter, "Well that was a little naughty sweetie, no cookies before dinner. But awh my little girl has a booboo, let Niall kiss it and make it better." He wiped the blood off and kissed the cut before rummaging through the kitchen cabinets and finding plasters to put over it. You winced as he cleaned off the cut and allowed him to kiss you repeatedly during the whole process. Once he had finished he kept you up at the counter and folded his arms across his chest, "Are you going to be naughty and try and steal a cookie again missy?" "No Ni Ni," you promised, holding out your arms for him to pick you up. Breaking into a grin, he lifted you onto his hip and tickled your nose, "Ya really are a Horan."


He tried to run the comb through your hair smoothly but it wasn't working out too well. As your eyes got redder and redder he started to feel worse and worse eventually jumping up announcing he was going to go get you a cookie. You wanted to see how awful you looked so far so you leaned forward to look in the little mirror, tripped and slammed your head against it. Shouting out in shock and starting to cry, you rubbed your head and buried your face in the pillows on his bed. Zayn came running back in, "What happened?" You kept your face in the pillows, your crying muffled. He quickly came and sat next to you, rubbing your back and eventually lifting you into his arms, your hair sticking to your face, "Just tell me what happened sweetie." Eventually your brother was able to get it out of you and cooed, "I wont let it happen again, okay? You're all right. Let me get you some ice cream, okay?"


Staying with your big brother was a lot of fun but bedtime was still a problem between the two of you. You never had a problem getting into pajamas but brushing your teeth was where the chaos was. You still hadn't really gotten the hang of it but you didn't want to act little and ask Louis to help so you slipped into the bathroom and tried to do it on your own. Resulting in you sitting on the bathroom floor crying, holding a hand over your eye. Louis rushed in and picked you up, "What did you do to yourself missy?" "I poke my eye with too brush!" you sobbed into his chest. Louis laughed and rocked you back and forth, "Awh that must've hurt huh? Why didn't you ask me to help you?" "I no need help," you pouted. Louis nodded knowingly and carried you into the living room where the two of you sat on the couch until you had cried yourself dry. Louis looked down at you, sucking your thumb and lying across his chest with tears still spattered across your face, and smiled, "I missed you."

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