#73 You and his girlfriend hate each other

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You stared at her as she blatantly stared at the guy walking past you and checked him out. But Harry was too busy buying her a new dress. Crossing your arms, you smiled back at her sweetly as she smiled at you. But inside you were furious; you just knew she was cheating on your brother and using him but you never had any proof and anytime you said something about it, your brother would get angry. After Harry handed her the dress and was smiling from her kisses, he led the two of you into a restaurant and you all sat down. "I've got to use the little girl's room," she giggled, standing up. "I'll come with you," your brother grinned ruffling your hair and standing with her, taking her hand and leading her away. Checking around yourself, you grabbed her iphone which she had left on the table and went into her messages. Suffice it to say, what you saw sickened you. You quickly screenshotted it and sent it to your brother's phone which was on the table next to you. They came back laughing and tickling each other sickeningly. They sat back down and you smiled at her, striking up a conversation as your brother picked up his phone, "So what's his name?" "Who's?" she cocked her head to the side but her eyes were sending you daggers. "What does this mean?" Harry asked quietly, showing her his mobile. Within twenty minutes, Harry was dragging you after himself out of the restaurant, tears running down his face, "I am so sorry I never listened to you. I should've trusted you, you've never lied to me before." You stopped him and threw your arms around his neck, "No, I'm sorry Harry. She's ... she was nothing to what you deserve."


She smiled at you as Liam was looking before snarling and turning back to the telly. Liam kissed her cheek, ruffled your hair, and said, "I'm going to go pick up our Chinese food. Play nice girls." She giggled and smiled, calling after him, "Don't worry Li, I love your sister!" You grit your teeth and looked out the window; Lana was such a flake. As the door swung shut, she turned up the volume and grunted, "Go get me some water." "Get it yourself," you rolled your eyes. "Excuse me young lady, but I'm in charge when Liam is gone and I'm telling you to go get me some water," she glared at you. "You'll never be in charge of me." She raised an eyebrow and stood up, pulling your mobile out of your hand and putting it behind your back, "Watch yourself." You jumped to your feet and growled, "Give it back." "Not until you apologize and get me some water," she smirked. Before you knew what you were doing, the two of you were rolling around on the floor, wrestling for your phone. "What is going on here?" a voice shouted from the doorway. Neither of you stopped wrestling but suddenly you felt yourself being pushed back and Liam was pulling Lana to her feet, hugging her to his chest, "(Y/N), what happened?" "She attacked me because I moved her phone!" Lana sobbed into Liam's chest. Your mouth dropped open but before you could say anything else, Liam had gently put Lana on the couch, kissing her head and grabbed your upper arm, dragging you roughly to your bedroom, "Care to explain?" "She stole my phone because she said she was in charge!" "When I'm not around she is!" Liam shouted, sitting you on your bed and putting your mobile in his back pocket. "Stay in here for an hour. don't go on your laptop-" "Don't you dare ground me for an hour Liam," you screamed. "Your girlfriend has been screaming at me every day since you brought her home and I cant take it anymore! She's trying to replace mum and I don't need that! I cant stand her! Liam you don't hear her when you're not around, she isn't nice she's cruel!" He faltered and leaned back against your wall before opening his arms and making you come in them, "I had no idea. I'm sorry. I'll talk to her, you never have to listen to her and if she takes anything of yours again, tell me."


 "I don't think you're brother's going to like your outfit," someone said from behind you. You froze with your hand on the door handle and slowly turned around. Niall's snarky, interfering girlfriend, Emma, was sitting on the living room couch. "Well Niall isn't here right now is he, he's upstairs. So he won't know." "Mm, maybe. Unless I- NIALL!" she shouted out as I closed my eyes and shook my head. He came jumping down the stairs and ran to her, "What's wrong princess?" "(Y/N) is sneaking out. In an inappropriate outfit, it makes me worry," she said in a faked concerned voice. He barely even glanced at the outfit before turning back to Emma and touching her face gently while growling, "Get back upstairs. Change. And don't expect to be leaving until you tell me where you're going and who you'll be with." You stomped up the stairs, slamming your door and grumbling to yourself. In a few seconds your door was being pushed open and Niall came in, shutting it after himself. "What has gotten into you lately?" he asked roughly. "If you're living with me, you need to live by my rules." You refused to face him and started looking for another outfit, "I'll do what you say. Not what she says." The room went quiet before your brother whispered, "You really don't like her." "I don't like her telling me what to do and telling on me and interfering with my life," you said shortly, pulling on a new shirt. Niall sighed and came, taking your hands and turning you to face him, "You're right. She has no right to do that but she's just looking out for you." "She doesn't care Niall, she's doing it for you. I don't need a replacement mother." He moaned lightly as your voice broke and pulled you in for a hug, "I'll make her lay off. You take your time getting used to her, I'm not going to make you do anything."


"You spend enough time with your sister," you heard Jocelyn purr into your brother's ear. "Spend more time with me. Ditch her tonight." Zayn murmured something back you couldn't hear but you heard her make a noise of disgust and say, "I don't care if you promised her you'd take her out. I'm more important aren't I? Zayn if you don't take me out tonight instead, I'm not going to talk to you for a week." You heard your brother sigh but when he spoke you could tell he was grinning, "All right, all right. You win. Let's sneak out real quick." You felt your mouth drop open but you weren't going to stop your brother; if he felt that way then fine. Late that night, Zayn walked into the house happily and froze as he saw you sitting on the couch watching TV, "You should be sleeping." "Whatever." He came over cautiously and sat next to you, obviously disappointed when you didn't cuddle up next to him and continued to ignore him. "You all right?" "Of course," you said flatly, not moving your gaze from the telly. "Listen, I'm sorry about before. I wasn't really thinking," Zayn said apologetically. "Wasn't the first and won't be the last," you muttered. "What?" he sincerely looked surprised. "Ever since you've been going out with...her you've put my away like I don't matter." He frowned, "That isn't true." "Zayn!" you said loudly, staring at him. "Do you even remember what she said? 'I'm more important aren't I?'" you quoted, snarling. He stared at you before his face fell and he swallowed roughly, "I...I didn't even realize what she was doing. She's so...controlling I wasn't even thinking." "Yeah, whatever." "No," he grabbed your head in his hands and kissed you between the eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'll talk to her, put her in her place. It will never happen again. You're more important to me than any girlfriend I'll ever have."


"It's so tacky," she sneered, coming up behind you in your bedroom and looking over the outfit you were wearing for a party that night. "Who let you in here!?" you asked angrily, going to shove her out of the room but she moved out of your reach. "Louis' taking forever to get dressed," she shrugged, sitting on your bed and fingering the blanket. "You should probably wash this thing." "Get off it! That was my mum's!" you shouted, yanking on it protectively. She put her hands up in surrender and stood up, walking slowly around your room. You tried to ignore her and turn back to your mirror, doing your makeup. "What's this?" she asked, carelessly turning around with a glass figurine that used to be your mother's. "It's really ugly." You opened your mouth tell her to put it back down but it slipped from her fingers and hit the ground. Hard. And cracked into a million pieces. You started screaming at her and pushed her back into your wall as Louis ran in. "What happened?" Louis shouted, pulling Tanya to her feet and into his chest protectively. Tears started pouring from your eyes as you screamed, "She broke mum's figurine! I asked her to leave and she wouldn't! And she broke it! I hate her!" Tanya bit her lip and brought fake tears to her eyes, "Louis, I had no idea-" "Tanya, I think you should wait in my bedroom." She slowly left the room and Louis looked at you, "You didn't need to say you hated her." "Well it's true! She's always coming in here and touching all my stuff and insulting me and telling me I'm ugly. And...and I hate her!" you screamed hysterically, kicking your wall. "Hey, hey, come here sweetheart-" Louis stepped forward quickly and brought you tightly into his chest, pushing your head against his shoulder and swaying with you, "If she says those things to you, she needs to go. I am so sorry I never noticed before. We'll fix the figure hon, just shh, calm down okay?"

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