#48 A fan is being mean to you (Age 4-8)

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NIALL (age 4):

Niall had promised you a new doll, after he stepped on the other, and broke it. So now, you were in a toy-store, looking at dolls. Niall had to take a call, so you just kept looking at the dolls, while he went to find a quiet corner. Just as you reached for the doll you wanted, the last one, a hand shot out and took it from your hand. "Mine sister," the teenage-girl said, handing the doll to the little girl standing next to her, whom was probably her little sister. "Hey. You're Niall's little sister!" the teenage girl exclaimed. You nodded, silently crying, reaching out for the doll. She slapped your hand away. "NO! You might be Niall's little sister, but I saw it first!" You cried louder, and suddenly Niall was picking you up. "What's going on?" he asked. The girl smiled. "Nothing. She dropped the doll and I just wanted to pick it up for her. Can you sign my shirt?" Niall looked at you, ignoring the girl. "Is that true?" You shook your head violently. "No, she take my doll," you wailed, pointing at the teenage girl. "What? Don't listen to her Niall, she's lying!" the girl accused. Niall sighed, taking the doll from the girl. "I'm sorry, but I trust my sister. But I can sign your shirt as an apology." The girl's face fell, turning guilty. "No, I'm sorry. She's right, I took it from her. Sorry sweetie," she said. You nodded, showing you had forgiven her, and hid your face in Niall's neck. Niall ended up signing her shirt, and she bought you a dress for the doll as an apology.

LOUIS (age 5):

You were with the boys at one of Louis' charity matches. Harry was holding you, as you watched you brother run up and down the field. "Hazza?" you asked Harry, pulling on his curls lightly. He chuckled, looking at you. "Yes babygirl?" You laid your head on his shoulder. "I tired." Harry chuckled again, holding you closer. "It's over soon," he whispered. "HARRY!" someone screamed behind you. Harry turned, just as Louis came running off the field, happy, because they won. "Put down the annoying girl, and come up here!" It was fans, and even though you weren't that old, the words hurt you. Just as Harry was about to answer, Louis yelled: "HEY! That's my sister! And she's not annoying, she's amazing!" He then took you from Harry, and held you close, whispering soothing words in your ear, and kissing your forehead. "Oh come on! Harry she pulled on your hair. On the net, it says you hate that!" one of the girls yelled. "She can do it. It's none of your concern," Harry answered calmly. "Really? You're trying to accuse my five year old sister of pulling Harry's hair? Don't you think that's a bit pathetic?" Louis sassed, giving you a squeeze. You whimpered, hiding your face in Louis. Louis sighed, hating when you were sad. "When we're done, we'll go get some ice cream. Deal?" he asked, wanting to cheer you up. Your face lit up, kissing his cheek. "Thanks Lou-Lou," you said with a big smile. Louis laughed, handing you back to Harry, so he could go take a shower. The girls kept yelling, but y'all ignored it.

ZAYN (age 6):

You were walking in between Zayn and Perrie, holding both of their hands. Zayn and Perrie wanted to go shopping, so Perrie asked if you wanted to come. You hesitated, not wanting to ruin their date. However, when both Zayn and Perrie had pleaded you, you gave in, wanting to spend some time with the both of them. So now, here you were, laughing at something Zayn said. When you saw a girl waling with an ice cream, you pulled on Perrie's hand. "Pez? Can I have ice cream?" you asked sweetly, giving her your best puppy-dog face. Perrie took one look at your face, and instantly caved. "Sure thing." You pulled Zayn and Perrie to the nearest ice cream parlor. Just as you were about to order, two teenage girls slipped in in front of you. "Hey!" you yelled, before Zayn and Perrie even noticed the girls. They turned around with a glare fixated on you, but it disappeared, as soon as they saw Zayn. "You're Zayn!" they yelled. He nodded, still mad at them for cheating in the line. "That would be me. And you guys would be the ones who is supposed to stand in the back," he told them. Perrie picked you up, hiding her face in your hair, so she wouldn't start laughing. "Please! It's just an ice cream for Christ sake. If the little girl can't take that, it's by time she learns it," one of the girls said. Perrie gasped. "Grow up! She's six! And you don't cheat in the line no matter what, so goodbye." Perrie said, pointing to the back of the line. The girls huffed, but moved nonetheless. "Thanks," Zayn said, kissing Perrie's and your cheek, before ordering your ice.

LIAM (age 7):

You and Liam had decided to go the park, as you hadn't spent that much time together lately. You were eating some food right now, you perched on Liam's lap. You were just talking about your latest drawing you had made, when you suddenly stopped, and asked Liam if you could try the swings. He laughed, nodded, and sent you off, telling you he had to pack up the lunch. You nodded, running off. With your short legs, you couldn't swing that high, but you didn't mind. Apparently, someone else did. "Hey little girl! If you aren't using the swing, get off!" a girl said, walking up to you, pushing you off the swing. You started crying, which caught Liam's attention, and he ran to you. He picked you up, brushing the sand off your pants. "What happened?" You sniffled, pointing at the girl, who was staring wide-eyed at Liam. "She pushed me off." Liam looked at the girl with furrowed brows. "Is that true?" The girl shook her head, fake crying. "No! She pushed ME off, and took the swing." Liam could easily tell she was lying, and with an icy glare, he told her: "Listen, I can tell from your bracelet that you're a fan, but this," Liam pointed to your tears, "is not okay. You understand?" The girl nodded, shocked that Liam was being so rude (even though he wasn't, she deserved it) and ran off. "Now, shall I help you my dear sister?" Liam asked with a fake posh accent, placing you on the swing once again. You giggled, nodding at him. And then, you spent the rest of the day having fun with your brother.

HARRY (age 8):

You giggled, smiling up at your brother. "You ready princess?" Harry asked. You nodded furiously, jumping up and down. Harry had brought you to the local fair, claiming he wanted to have some brother-sister time. And had you been enjoying yourself! Harry won you a teddy, you got cotton candy, and you met a big lion (the fair's mascot). Now, Harry was pulling you to a big roller coaster. Well, for an eight year old it was big. "Harry Styles!" a girl yelled. Harry turned to her, putting on a fake smile. You guys had avoided the fans all day, but apparently, that was over now. Harry talked to her for a while, and you waited patiently. Everyone but the girl could tell Harry wanted her to go away, but she kept asking him question. He loved the fans, they had got him to where he is, but sometimes, he just wanted to be with his family. "Haz. It's our turn," you said to Harry, pulling on his hand. Harry excused himself from the girl, but she wasn't having it. "Listen little girl. You might think you have some claim on him, but I'm a fan, and I'm more important. You can just go on your own," she snapped. Harry stood shell-shocked, and didn't do anything until he heard your broken, tearful vice saying: "But I'm not old enough." He then turned to the girl, blowing up about how the fans were important, but that family meant the world to him. He then turned to you, picked you up, even though you were getting a bit too big for that, and went on the ride. And the girl didn't bother you again.

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