#65 You feel unwanted/worthless

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It wasn't like anyone in your family was trying to make you feel like this, you just had a bad week. And there was honestly no reason for you to be jealous, Harry had just been gone for six months! Of course he should have a party! But you had just won your football championship game, gotten straight A's that marking period, and just put up with a lot but no one was giving you credit. But you loved Harry, so it was okay. You kept repeating to yourself how hard Harry had worked for six months as everyone crowded around him all night, as everyone walked past you, and when your little cousin spilled her drink on you and Harry burst out laughing. You narrowed your eyes to keep from crying and jumped up, sprinting out of the yard and into the house, locking your door and starting to cry. "(Y/N)?" came a slow voice from outside the door; you knew it was Harry, it was far too deep to be your mother or Gemma's voice. "(Y/N), I wouldn't have laughed if I knew it would upset you, it was just quite funny and normally you would laugh too." You remained silent and he sighed, "(Y/N) what's wrong? I've been watching you all day and you've been quiet, barely talking and that's not like you. Did something happen to you when I was away?" he asked, suddenly in a harsher tone. "No sir," you responded quickly. "Come open this door." You ran to unlock it before he got angry and jumped back on the bed, hiding under the covers. He opened your bedroom door and let out a coo when he saw you crying on the bed, coming over and sitting on the side of it, rubbing your back, "So what's wrong then sweetie? C'mon we can run you a nice long shower, I'll get out some new clothes and you'll be good as new." "I don't care about the drink," you said in a muffled voice. "Then what's wrong?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Promise you won't get mad?" "Promise." "I'm just a little jealous. I know I shouldn't be, at all, because your job is harder than my life but I did a lot of stuff lately and no one gave me a party," you said in a childish voice and sniffled. "And I put up with you being gone." Harry chuckled and hugged you tightly before nodding, "I understand. How about next Friday we throw you a party? With everyone, including Niall," he winked, making you blush but nod. "All right, so can we put on that sweet smile and go back out there?" Again you nodded. He stood up, grabbing your hand after you had changed shirts and said, "Just stay close to me."


You were still a teenager so it was obvious Liam could do more things and go more places with your older sisters, like this one concert you had been dying to go to but was in a venue where you had to be 18. Words couldn't describe how upset you were when you found out Liam had bought himself and your older sisters tickets to go see it when you knew they didn't even like the band that much. Liam bit his lip when you watched them, your mouth hanging open, get ready to go; Ruth had accidentally let slip where they were going. "Can any of you even name three songs of theirs?" you asked in a wounded voice. They all shrugged and Liam patted your head, "When you're older you can come with us, you're still 16, otherwise I would've brought you." "No you wouldn't have," you growled, tossing his hand aside and stomping into your room, starting to cry. Nicola was the first to come in, then Ruth, both apologizing for not having thought this through or saying something to Liam and you forgave them, just because they were your older sisters and you couldn't really stay mad at them. But when Liam came in, you just looked at him. He sighed and sat down on the edge of your bed, "We won't go." "Don't be stupid, you paid for tickets." "It's a festival, it was cheap-" "I don't care, just go and have fun," you said harshly. "But it wouldn't be fun if you weren't there," he pouted. "You didn't think that earlier." "(Y/N)," he ran his hands through his hair. "I wasn't thinking. Well I was. I didn't know you liked them, I just knew your sisters loved concerts so I got them tickets for tonight and I got you and me tickets to see Sleeping With Sirens tomorrow night. I promise I didn't know you loved this band and you didn't leave me enough time to tell you about tomorrow." "Just us?" you asked in a small voice. He smiled and nodded, "Just us." He watched as you bit your lip then said, "All right finneeee you win." He laughed and hugged you tightly, before pulling you back and pulling your chin up, "No more crying you hear? I'll get you t-shirt and take loads of videos and I promise to have even more fun with you tomorrow okay?" You laughed and nodded, kissing his cheek, "Thank you Li, now go, you're going to be late."

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