16. three-headed sentinel

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[The three are walking up a staircase in the Grand Staircase tower

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[The three are walking up a staircase in the Grand Staircase tower. A railing pulls in, Hermione looks, but continues walking.]

Ron: I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.

Percy scoffed, remembering how everyone had been gawking at his mother like she was some sort of attraction to them. Like she was an entertainment – a way to break out of their monotonous and disappointing little existence. "Who doesn't ?," he rhetorically asked.

Iolanthe: Who doesn't?

He flushes at the fact he said the same thing as his mother, hit by their resemblance: not only in looks and recklessness, but also in their feelings. He had always been called a mama's boy and he had never been bothered by that fact his entire life.

"Excuse me if the books were being thorough," huffed Hermione, a bit miffed by the way her best friend turned husband had spoken about her like she was an annoyance.

Iolanthe snorted audibly, used to their little strife and their fights. Hadn't she been friends with them for close to twenty years? This was like a common Monday back when they still cohabited together, whether at Hogwarts or out of it. "The books were wrong."

It seemed like Hermione and Annabeth both wanted to refute her words, but they could hardly do so when it was clear the adventures and the life she had apparently lived before attending magical school was entirely fabricated by people who had wanted to make money from her and had never bothered to find her to make sure she was at the very least being well taken care of.

[The staircase shudders and begins to move. The three grab the railings.]

Ron: Ahh!

[Hermione gasps]

Iolanthe: What's happening?

Hermione: The staircases change, remember? [The staircase stops, leading to a corridor.]

Iolanthe: [taps Ron] Let's go this way.

Ron: Before the staircase moves again.

[They all open a door and walk into a spooky, dark, and deserted corridor.]

Iolanthe: Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?

Hermione: We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.

Athena frowned visibly, looking startingly like her daughter as she was trying to put the pieces together. "And yet, it seemed like something or someone lured you there."

It was no secret for the Golden Trio that Dumbledore had made sure Iolanthe would face Dumbledore – whether for her to be killed earlier and not bother him in his schemes anymore or because he had hopes for her to fulfill the prophecy earlier than intended. They didn't know whether he wanted to save her or to get rid of her; but he had never stopped putting her in dangerous situations as he saw fit.

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