A Night to Remember

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I was staring at my reflection for some time. I still couldn't believe I let myself dress so fancy in a royal blue, floor-length dress which hugged my body on the top down to my knees. Then, a puff ends, looking like a mermaid's tail. I wore black high heels and had my hair down, naturally wavy. Then a light make-up.

I snapped out of my train of thought, hearing a knock on the door. "Come in!" I mumbled, turning away from the mirror.

Mother walked in, and her eyes widened once she saw me, "oh goddess," she gasped, and tears built in her eyes. "I can't imagine your mate ever rejecting you. You're just radiant."

"Mom!" I whined, rolling my eyes. "It's for the night," I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat up.

She smiled in delight as she took steps towards me. "I can't believe you're all grown up. It felt like yesterday when I held you in my arms," she sighed, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Moments like this, I worry... Would you ever want me in your future?"

I flashed an encouraging smile, "why would I ever forget you, Mom? You're my mother."

She pulled me into a warm embrace. "Why did you grow up so quickly?" She joked, pulling away from our embrace. "Let's head down to the ballroom. It would be rude for us to miss out on the fun."

Mother and I left my room, laughing a bit as we headed downstairs. Along the way, we met up with Pete and Dad. They were waiting by the hallway for us.

"Look at my beautiful angels," Father said, grinning at the sight of Mother and me. He took a few steps forward, "both are breathtaking." Mother leaned in for a hug with Father, giving each other a peck on the lips.

Once they pulled away, father and mother's arms interlocked together. They walked ahead of Peter and me, ignoring us as if they were the only ones in the world.

"Looking good, baby sis," Pete said, standing beside me.

"Why thank you, big brother," I said in an accent playfully as we walked behind mother and father. "You don't look bad yourself." We chuckled.

We reached the lobby-like area. Many people were mingling with one another. Girls around my age were flashing their jewellery and showing off their best gowns. I wasn't sure if I were to say if they were friends or enemies.

Suddenly, as Pete and I walked towards the ballroom entrance, someone bumped into Pete. Luckily, his quick reflexes could grab her waist before her butt could meet with the hard icy floor. "Are you okay? Sorry, I wasn't..." Pete stopped talking when he and her eyes met. I could see their eyes sparkle and flash fiery gold, "mate." I heard Pete mutter softly.

I quietly released a gasp, feeling my lips pull up into a smile. My significant overprotective brother has finally found his mate. I was excited for him.

This was your typical love at first sight.

Not wanting to break this love bubble. I quietly backed away, unsure if I should remind them they were in the way. Also, if I were to break their trance, I could congratulate them. Instead, I disappeared with the crowd that was moving to the ballroom. As I walked into the ballroom, I gasped in amazement at this room. It was all gold from the walls to the ceiling. Whilst the marble floor was cream white. There was a vast gold crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the roof. But what was eye-popping was the two enormous chairs in front of the room with a few stairs leading up to them. They were gold, decorated in perfect details of flowers, then wine red with gold embroidery pillows. Perfect for a King and Queen.

I made my way down to the centre of the room when someone roughly bumped into my shoulder, making me stumble. I glanced up, and to my surprise, it was the blonde from earlier. She snarled at me over her shoulder, "Watch where you're standing, pup." She snapped; she turned away, lifting her head as she gracefully disappeared into the crowd.

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