The Vampire King

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"Hello!... Hello!... Is there anyone?... I need to use the toilet... Hello!" I called out in annoyance, pacing back and forth, but I only heard silence again, "Hello!..."

'I think you're not loud even!' Sandy growled.

I growled, "They can hear me... They're just ignoring me." I muttered, then suddenly the door finally opened.

"Don't be angry, love," Joseph said, walking in. "What's the matter, dear?" He asked playfully, pouting like a child.

"Huh," I opened and closed my mouth nervously, gulping, almost forgetting the plan.

"I know I'm handsome, but I must remind you you need to talk," he said, approaching the door.

'SPEAK LAURA!' Sandy ordered. 'Just remember the plan!'

"I-I need to-to u-u-use the-the toilet," I shuttered, slowly approaching the door.

He stood there, staring at me as if he could tell I was lying. Suddenly, he grinned as he unlocked the door for me and stretched out his hand, but I just stared at his hand. "Don't worry, love, I won't bite," he winked, then smirked.

'Just take his hand!' Sandy yelled, making me cringe, then suddenly placed my hand on his.

He gently pulled me out the door and then dragged me upstairs, leading me down the hallway. As we walked down the hallway, I glanced around to see if there were any more exits for me. But I saw a beautiful living room which looked too fancy.

Finally, we passed the living room, and we were in front of a door. He opened the door, revealing the bathroom. I murmured a thank you under my breath as I pushed into the bathroom.

Before I could turn to close the door, I felt two muscular arms around my waist. My heart was pacing, and I stood frozen when his face was at the nape of my neck. He inhaled deeply and growled, causing me to shiver in disgust. "I can't wait for you to be one of us. We'll have some fun," he whispered, letting his warm breath caress my skin. I thought I would puke. I clenched my eyes shut, "you smell good."

I yelp when I feel a kiss on my jaw travelling up.

"Joseph!" Someone called out.

Joseph finally let go of my waist and glanced at Nicholas, who was standing there, "what?" He asked angrily.

"We don't want our guest peeing on herself," Nicholas said calmly. "It will be disgustingly embarrassing."

Joseph sighed and stepped away from me, "you can go." He murmured.

I quickly closed the door and locked it.

With my back on the door, I sighed in relief with my eyes closed. I slowly opened my eyes when Sandy yelled orders, 'Look for a window!' I glanced around, looking for a window, and when I saw it, I ran for it. I opened it, and when I looked out, I gasped in shock, and my nerves were high, just like this house. 'Jump!'

Are you crazy!? I may break my legs, and I'm not much runner!

'Don't worry, I'll handle it. JUMP!' She growled.

Okay, since when has Sandy become the big boss?

I glanced over to the door, seeing if it was close, then took a deep breath before pushing myself out. I held my breath as I tried to make sure I was seated on the windowsill. I let out my breath and then pushed myself off it. I felt moisture and smelt dirt. At first, my eyes hesitantly opened as I glanced around. I realised that I was outside, and I wasn't wearing any shoes. It was dark and quiet. There were a lot of trees surrounding the house.

'Run Laura! Run!' Sandy screamed in my head and bolted straight into the woods. As I ran in, dodging branches and jumping over rocks and logs, however, I still got beaten by leaves and stems. Suddenly, I tripped, landing on my stomach as I landed with a groan. As I pushed myself up, I heard a howl coming from my direction.

"Oh no," I cursed under my breath before standing up.

Two gigantic wolves, one with dark brown and reddish fur, suddenly appeared. They glared down at me with their grey eyes. I heard cracking, seeing the dark brown wolf shifting into human form. I shut my eyes. I didn't want to look at that naked person.

"Don't close your eyes, love... We'll be seeing more of ourselves naked," I heard Joseph's voice as he spoke, making me more nervous. I heard a growl, "You know it rude not to look at a person when they're talking to—" I heard another crack, and something dropped. I felt a wet spit on my face.

I slowly opened my eyes, a gasp escaped, and I pushed myself away from Joseph's bloody head. I looked ahead to see a man wearing a suit; his hair was midnight black, and his eyes were blood red. I heard a low growl from the reddish wolf; it jumped to the man, but in mid-air, the man punched his hand into the wolf's chest. I gasped in shock, watching the wolf land on the ground beside Joseph's headless body. Slowly, the wolf shifted to its human self, and my surprise, it was Nicholas.

I looked up to my saviour (for now). He smiled, revealing fangs, "You must be Laura?" He asked, strolling towards me. I nervously gulped and nodded, "I'm Johnson, but you can call me John." He stretches his bloody hand.

"What are you?" I asked, more like whispering.

"I'm a vampire... The vampire king..."

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