Friend Or Foe

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In the middle of the night, Jay walked into the house with his head low. "Jay?" He heard his mate call out, stepping out from the living room. "Where have you been!?" She asked as she tied her night rode. "You've vanished for a month and a half!" She furrowed her brows. She thought coming here to Europe was a better thing to do since their son's death. She would mourn whilst her mate acted normal, as though nothing had ever happened to their life.

"So?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders and slowly lifting his head. "What's wrong with me going out?"

Who was this man? She asked herself, taking a step back in fear. That's when she realised her mate was different. He had this evil aura around like he was someone else.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asked nervously, taking a step back.

He kept his gaze on the ground, not planning on looking at his mate. He suddenly chuckled, "I knew her idea was terrible..." He mumbled, "We told her not to do it, but she had to. She sparked this war, and now we are ending it."

"J-Jay, what are you talking about?"

He threw his head back and laughed out loud, "After this war... She'll be taken down from her throne, and I will be alone."

"A-alone?" There was a long period of silence as if Jay was thinking... Thinking deeply before turning his cold, empty eyes at his 'so-called' mate.

She gasped in shock, "I never loved you or that boy of yours." He spat, taking a step forward. "She rejected my genuine feeling for her desire to be a goddess, and I take that away. Including her life." Before she could react, Jay attacked his mate, and her scream echoed throughout the house.


Laura's POV

"... Breath in... Breath out..." I followed Dr Karen's order as she listened to my heart. "Okay, that's it, Luna," she said as Nate helped me lean my back against the pillow.

"So, how is she?" Nate asked, sliding his hand down on top of mine and gently squeezing it.

She smiled warmly, "She's doing okay. Weak, but okay. Her healing will take some time, so she needs a lot of rest and help to get around."

I bowed and groaned, "Can't I just shift to speed up the healing?" I asked.

"You can, but you will end up stuck in wolf for some time to heal and gain your strength," she chuckled. "Luckily, you can go to your chambers to continue your rest and healing." She slightly bowed her head before leaving the room.

I felt a kiss on my temple and glanced up at Nate, "I'm glad you're okay, and this total mess is over." He said, smiling.

"I'm also glad," I said, smiling back at him and staring into his eyes. That's when I realised, "Where's Hades!?" I asked, slightly panicked, glancing around.

Nate chuckled, "his aunt kidnapped him while you went to do your tests." I sighed in relief but then frowned, "what's wrong?" I heard Nate ask in concern.

I pouted, "I want my baby." I whined, and he laughed before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," he whispered. "Let me go rescue our son."

I smiled widely, glancing up at him. "I love you too," I leaned forward and kissed his lips. "Now go save our son from his greedy aunt." I pointed at the door and held my head up high.

"Your Majesty," Nate chuckled softly, slightly tilting his head as a bow. Once he was out, I couldn't help but laugh.

Nathan's POV

I walked out grinning like a fool, thanking the moon goddess that my Laura and son were okay.

"Alpha Nathan," I heard Liam's voice calling out. I saw him walking towards me with Kelly beside me, with Hades in her arms. "There's a guest who needs to see you... He says it is urgent." He said.

I groaned in a low, annoyed tone and glanced at Kelly, "Laura wants Hades. Please go to her. I'll be back... I have an urgent meeting." I said to her.

She nodded her head and lightly shrugged her shoulders, "Sure." She said before walking past me and then into Laura's room.

"Lead the way, Liam," I said emotionlessly as he turned his heels, and he nodded before leading the way up to my office. Liam opened the door for me and stepped aside, getting a better view of who was there as I entered. I let a low growl, seeing an unlikable face, Maxim.

He leaned against my desk, facing me with his arms folded on his chest. He smirked, "Nathan Crescent, sorry for barging in unannounced, but I have an investigation going on."

"I know, but why are you bothering me?" I asked, trying to keep a growl and keeping an emotionless face.

He sighed, "Remember what our good witch Ivy said the other time when royal vampires were poisoned?" I slightly nodded, "I need to interview your prisoners and a list copy of names."

There was a moment of silence, "Liam, take Mr Maxim to Rogue Prison and tell Beta Sean to give Mr Maxim a copy of names." I said without taking my eyes off Maxim.

"Yes, Alpha King," I heard Liam muttered.

Maxim leaned forward, "Thanks, Mr Crescent and congratulations on having a son." He said as he walked out, following Liam. He was leaving me alone in my office in a rage.


"I was right," Maxim said through the phone as he walked to his car. "The witches did it. All the rogues here stated that the Lycan Brothers didn't kill any of them."

"Are you sure?" A low, deep voice asked from the other line. "How are the ones killed in the fight? Were they accoutred for?"

"They were. Except one..."


"Yes, they said they left him with Oberon and Elsa where Laura was kept and haven't seen him since. Sean thinks he might be on the run, but I'll see about that."

"Don't bother. Let them find him; without our help, we have bigger problems. We have witch problems."


King Theophilus Johnson, seated proudly on his throne. His head was held high, his hands were on each arm, and his back was against the throne. All hundred of his councillors were seated in front of him, against the wall, leaving room in the centre of the room. Abram stood in the centre, wearing an old-fashioned rode and golden belt.

"Your Highness, as you act as King, you must display the power of us vampires." He said, pacing back and forth, his hands behind him and his mood serious. "Vampires must take control of the supernatural and mankind." King Johnson's eyebrow lifted, waiting to hear more of what his councillor had to say.

Victoria stood, wearing the same outfit as her husband, Abram. "King Johnson, we no longer have enemies; we have the werewolves and witches right where we need them. They trust us! Perfect for an attack."

Abram hummed in agreement, "Have the werewolves blame the witches, and the witches blame the werewolves for sparking a war. Once both sides are weakened, then we can attack." Murmuring went across the room in agreement, but one stood in protest. Viktor, son of Abram.

"Your Majesty! We cannot backstab the witches and werewolves; we have signed a peace treaty." He argued, earning a glare from his father, which he ignored completely.

King Johnson hummed and nodded, "You both make a good statement, but... Abram is right. We vampires are the strongest supernatural species, and we must show our roles as superior, especially to the humans." He said, "In history, vampires ruled the world until Derek the Great stepped into the picture."

There was a lengthy pause of silence, "We will get the witches blamed for poisoning the werewolf King and werewolves blamed for attacking witch communities."

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