Shopping Disaster

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"I want tight security every inch of the palace and guards watching my mate!" Nate yelled orders at Sean. Luckily, both Ivy and Noah left because Nate sounded crazy. "I don't want anyone near my mate except me!"

Sean started laughing, "Nate, are you hearing yourself?... you sound crazy!" He stated truthfully.

I nodded, "yeah, he's right." I said, I know Nate wants to keep me safe, but he's taking this too far.

"I want to protect you and keep you safe," he kneeled before me, wrapping his hands around mine, causing sparks to shoot through my arm.

"I know, but it's too much," I stared into his eyes, and I saw worry mixed with love.

"She's right!" Kelly said, leaning against the doorframe with her crossed on her chest. "You can't keep your mate, my recent friend, under lockdown."

A smile crept up my face. I've never had a friend nor heard someone calling me their friend except my brother and parents. I usually hung out with Pete since everyone in the pack didn't like me because I was different, so making friends wasn't easy for me.

"I have no choice but to do this!" Nate stood up and glared at his sister, "For now, Laura will be by my side twenty-four hours!"

"What if you have a meeting?" Sean asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Then you and some guards have to monitor her."

"What about clothes? She doesn't have her stuff here," Kelly pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"Then we'll go tomorrow."

Sean cleared his throat almost awkwardly, "Nate, you have that thing." He nods his head over at me.

"What thing!?" Both Kelly and I asked in confused tones.

"Okay... um."

"What if I take Laura myself? It's still morning, so we'll be back by dusk," Kelly said, walking towards me, grabbing both my hands and pulling me to my feet.

"I don't think so, sis," he grabbed my arm gently, pulling me towards him.

"Sean can come," she pulled me back towards her.

"No!" He pulled me back to him.

"Yes!" She pulled me back again to her.

I now know how a doll feels when two kids are fighting to play with. They both pulled me back and forth, yelling at each other as if I wasn't there being pulled.

"Okay, STOP!" I shouted.

They both stopped, and I struggled out of their grip, "I think I should go... if I stay here, then I'll need some clothes."

Nate growled, "Fine, but I'm giving you two to four hours."

"Four hours! Come on, Nate, you can do better than that! Forty minutes to get to town, and back then, you know how girls can be in malls!" Kelly said in shock.

"Fine, then six, no more, no less." He pulled something out of his pocket and handed me a card. "You'll need money," he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. Through this, I felt sparks and tangles.

Kelly squealed and pulled me out of Nate's grasp, and then she grabbed Sean along the way. She ignored her brother. We walked downstairs through the hallways, and the next thing we knew, we were out the doors where a car was parked, waiting. Finally, Kelly, let's go. As she went ahead, she turned around and threw the keys at Sean. "You're driving," she opened the passenger side door and jumped in.

"I'm in hell," Sean murmured, and I laughed as we jumped into the car.

We drove off with music bursting through the car's roof. Kelly and I sang along on the top of our lunges while Sean shook his head while chuckling. I think we made his ears bleed. Soon, we made it to the mall. Kelly dragged me almost to all the clothing shops with Sean trailing behind, grumbling about women and clothes. So far, the car was packed with clothes, but we continued to shop.

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