War (Part One)

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Nathan's POV

I roared as I ripped the rogue's body apart before targeting another, who kept shooting at us. I jumped onto him and pulled his head. "Always trying to be the hero, pup!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned, facing Sebastien, "I would love to kill you, pup!"

He growled, flashing his lycan grey eyes and claws out. I roared in rage, flickered my green eyes to grey and claws. We ran towards each other and tackled each other. I strumbled to grab his torso and pushed my weight on him, forcing us down. Myself on top of him, I threw punches and claw at him.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp, burning pain from the back of my shoulder. I groaned in pain, and then Sebastien gripped my neck and threw me across. My back hit against a tree, knocking out the air out of my lungs. I landed on my front and released a groan. Sebastien chuckled, "You should also watch your back when fighting." He said. "I just wonder why the goddess gave you a powerful mate. Well... She was powerful." He laughed evilly.

This angered me even more. I lifted my head and glared and fired daggers at him. He slowly walked up to me as I forced myself up, ignoring the burning pain in my shoulder.

"I'll rip you apart if anything happens to Laura!" I growled.


I heard from afar on my right; I glanced over to see a rogue pointing a gun at me. But before he could shoot me, he suddenly was in mid-air, then cracked. He dropped to the ground. That's when I realised Noah was the one as he walked out of the cover of the darkness. I snapped my gaze back to Sebastien, releasing a low growl. We shall show him who the pup is here. And that's him!

I threw a fist at him, but he ducked down and punched my stomach. I let out a groan, and he clawed my face. I ignored the pain as much as I could and interlocked my fingers, then lifted, hitting Sebastien under his chin. The blow forced him a few meters away. He groaned in pain and spat out blood. But before he could move, I twisted myself to throw a powerful kick to his face with my remaining energy.


I heard. I glanced up to notice the awkward position his head was in. Slowly, he dropped to his knees, and then his body fell. I grinned in victory, which was fugitive lived. "NATE!" I heard Sean call out. I see he was worse than me, with claw marks and bullet wounds. "They're more rogues approaching in wolf forms," he groaned.

I groaned.

We're outnumbered, especially since the rogues with weapons attacked us when we least expected. Now, more are coming. "We need to call for more wolves," I groaned, feeling a sharp pain on my arm from my shoulder. I gently held up my arm with my hand, "You go call for more wolves, and I go with the remaining wolves to the other group of rogues."

"No," Sean growled and shook his head. "I can't leave you while you are in this state!" He said.

"Don't worry about that," we heard Noah's voice as he walked towards us. "Ivy called Liam, and she's waiting for them as we speak." He said.

"Nate!" Pete called out with blood covering his whole body. "The pack are heading to the other group of rogues." He panted, "I worried about this." He said in concern.

"I am too," I murmured.

I know the men by now, tired and weak since they've fought for hours. Maybe even in pain, too, if they were to shoot. The bullets were silver with wolfsbane. "I can try a spell, but it will take my energy," Noah suggested. "But it will last at least an hour or so."

I nodded, "anything is okay."


Christopher walked proudly in his sandy blonde wolf, leading another group of rogues. Be very cocky about what he and his group would do. He believed that Sebastien, with his group, weakened Nathan's team and both packs. As they walked closer and closer to the battleground, a blast of flame walked around them. It was preventing them from moving forward.

Christopher growled in annoyance. He knew this was the work of a witch.

Noah chanted softly as Nate and Sean tried to gather everyone and tried to get badly injured men out. The remaining men were fewer than before and outnumbered by the rogues. Meanwhile, Ivy tried to find Laura at the pack house and waited for backup. But I'm still looking for Laura.

She gazed out to see a flame wall out far in the forest. She knew it was a spell because the flames did not release any smoke or spread. "Where is that backup?" Ivy muttered that question to her. As she stood, many SUVs and dirt bikes drove in. "Finally!" She yelled.

A man with dark hair and brown eyes jumped and walked towards Ivy. "Elder Ivy," he greeted, slightly bowing his head. "Where is his highness?" He asked.

"Liam, why are you late?" Ivy yelled, "They are out there and out of number!" She pointed to where the flame wall was.

Liam glanced over his shoulder and nodded, "we were gathering more people."

The men behind Liam shifted into wolf form, jumped, and ran into the forest. They were followed by the dirt bikes.

"LIAM!" They turned their head to see Reef leaping, helping a man to walk. "You need to get out there now!" He said in panic. Liam nodded and ran into the forest, following the bright light. Until he saw the men he came with and his King, Nathan. Who was severely injured?

"Alpha King Nathan, you need attention." He said in concern, trying not to sound like it was an order.

Nate shook his head, "I need to be here. I can't leave my men here to fight this battle." He said. "Alpha Pete and Alpha Mitch took their wolves and dirt bikes to the back of the rogues. You and Sean take one group to the right, and Reed and Mark go left."

All nodded in understanding, then broke into a group of twenty to twenty-five and went to where they were told to be. "Noah, take down the wall," Nate ordered. Noah slightly nodded, slowly lowered his hands, and slowed his chants.

The flame wall started flicking, and Christopher grinned evilly, believing the spell was weakening. Once the wall was down, Christopher was surprised to see more wolves, but that wasn't going to him. So he attacked.

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