Runaway Mate

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After the Lycan Brothers left, the atmosphere in the room was tense and awkward. No one knew what to do or say. We all stayed silent, and all eyes were on our new King. Waiting.

"EVERYONE OUT!" Alpha King Nathan roared out in anger, "GUARDS AFTER THEM!" He braked.

Everyone, including myself, flinched at his outburst. We all bowed our heads, dashing out the doors without second guessing. I couldn't believe that a few minutes ago, one minute we were thrilled for our new King. Now, we were rigid and confused.

Instead of rushing out, I needed to search for my family. As I looked for my family, I felt a hand grab my arm. I flinched to face the person who had held me. "Alpha Jay?" I questioned, frowning my eyebrows in confusion.

He hushed me as he tugged my arm to follow him, "I'll explain later. I need to get you out of here right now." He said without looking over to me.

"Alpha Jay, what's going on?" I asked. My heart was pacing, and I was feeling afraid. Was he going to turn me over to the Lycan Brothers?

"ALPHA JAY!" A roar from the King stopped Alpha Jay in his tracks. Alpha Jay grumbled under his annoyance. I lowered my gaze, hearing the King stamping his way over to us. "Do you honestly believe you could leave after—" he stopped when I lowered my gaze to meet his. His eyes widen, "mate."

I said nothing. Our eyes were glued to each other as emotions and feelings of butterflies flitted in my stomach. My thoughts were running wild with questions, fearing the rejection coming my way soon. "Nathan", Luna Queen's voice snapped us out of our trance. I quickly bowed my head, this time keeping my gaze on the floor. "What is this, I hear? You found your mate?" She asked, standing beside Alpha King.

"Luna Queen, we must head back if you may." Alpha Jay said, ignoring the question she just asked. I silently thanked him for speaking up.

"You are not leaving... Especially with my mate," Alpha King ordered, hearing a growl laced in his tone. I gulped nervously, too afraid to look up at his heated gaze.

"She can't be your mate," Luna Queen gasped in great disappointment. "She looks disorganized and weak. Hack, I don't think she can even shift?" each word she spat out was like stinging venom, causing me to whimper. She just met me, and she can already tell how I am.


Alpha King growled in a low warning tone, "Mother —"

But I interrupted him, "She's right." I utter, slowly lifting my gaze. "I am just an unwanted pup with no ounce of Alpha or Beta blood. I haven't even shifted." I snigger, "I won't blame you for rejecting me. Just know I accept your rejection."

I pulled myself free from Alpha Jay's grip, storming out of the room. I felt cold tears streaming down my face as I ran to my room. Never in my entire life would I be embarrassed like this. This was heartbreaking.

I reached my room in the nick of time to weep my heart out. Leaning against the closed door, gasping for air. I forgot how to breathe. My mind was running with thoughts as my heart ached. Slowly, my body slid down to the icy floor, breaking into a sob. I placed my hands on my mouth to quiet my sobs.

"Can't believe that son of mine would be a mate to that girl!" My ears heard a growl through the door. "This was not what I planned," I knew that tone belonged to none other than Her Majesty.

"Mrs Crescent, don't worry yourself. Stress is not good for you," I had a familiar voice. I could not pinpoint it, but I knew it from somewhere. "Don't worry about Nathan, I will convince him. He trusts me and will listen to me."

I gasped, realizing that voice. It belonged to that blonde girl who had an issue with me. Luna Queen was talking with her.

'Laura, you better go find our mate and warn him,' Sandy suddenly came into my mind. 'Also to be with him,' she giggled excitedly.

No! He is perfectly fine on his own. He doesn't need us; I shook my head. I took a deep breath. Besides, I can't even shift, and he might as well have rejected me. There was a long pause of silence, still not sure what am I doing here.

"I have to leave," I whispered to myself. I jumped onto my feet, "yeah. I need to leave and never return to this palace ever again."

I swiftly slipped out of my dress and put on more comfortable clothing. I slipped into a black tank top, jeans and boots. I throw my things in my bag before heading out. I was lucky to find the hallway empty, making it easier to run away without being noticed.

'Laura, you don't have to do this. Go to our mate,' Sandy whined, but I ignored her. I picked up my pace, glancing over my shoulders.

Finally, I found my way outside and ran farther into the forest. I don't know if I was taking the right direction or not. All I thought was that I needed to get out of here. Better yet, return to the Grey Moon pack, even though it would be a lengthy journey. I'm willing to walk there.


The birds were chirping, and beams of sunlight woke me up from my nap. I groaned, feeling aches and pain in my bones from sleeping on the cold forest floor. I rubbed my eyes and gazed up at the forest leaves with this beautiful green colour that reminded me of... Nathan's eyes.

I can't believe I am thinking about him! I groaned to myself as I stretched up onto my feet. I can't believe myself right now. I don't know him that much, and here I am remembering him. I mean, we just met last night, but for a short period.

Sandy? I remembered about my wolf. She was whimpering and whining about Nathan. She was a headache to me. Sandy? I called out to her. However, silence answered. Maybe she was still sulking.

Suddenly, I heard my cellphone ringtone. I must have forgotten that I had my phone in my bag. I pulled it out; the screen was flashing, Mom. She must have been so worried about me.

I sighed, then answered my phone, "hello —"

"Oh, goddess Laura, where are you? I'm worried sick! Laura, are you there?" She yelled in a panic tone. She mumbled about her feelings and asked why I would run away.

"Mom, mom! I'm okay," I nervously chuckled. "I'm just taking myself for a walk," I mumbled, glancing down at my feet.

"Where are you then?" She asked. I bit my lower lip and glanced around, seeing trees, trees and more trees.

"Huh... at home?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"You lying to me. I called home before I called you. So where are you?" She growled, knowing Mama Bear was now out.

There's no way of passing her, I groaned to myself. "Okay, mom..." I sighed, "I'm heading back home as we speak. Just can't be there anymore."

"Sweetie, I heard about everything from Alpha Jay. And the young King is everywhere. He needs you to come back." She sighed.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, "Mom, just give him the phone so he can reject me."

"Reject!?" She gasped, and then I heard muffling in the background.

"Laura, as your King and mate, I'm ordering you to return to the palace RIGHT NOW!" Nathan's voice suddenly came to the phone, using his alpha voice.

"Don't use that tone on me!" I snarled, "the Luna Queen said, I'm not good to be Queen and be your mate. So I advise you to leave me ALONE!" I hung up the call, glaring down at my phone.

Who does he think he is!?

Well, he's the Alpha King. Maybe I was wrong to raise my voice. But he was just too demanding. Does he want to reject me face-to-face so he can laugh at my pain? I may be the one to leave him.


I heard a twig snap from a distance; I paused and slowly glanced around. But there was nothing. Hesitantly, I turned my gaze away and then felt a sudden sting on my neck. I flinched my hand onto my neck, but there was nothing. Shrugging it off, I took a step forward, and then I felt my knee wiggle. Before I knew it, I was falling onto the ground. My head felt dizzy, as though the earth was shaking. I rolled onto my back, and my blurry gaze became dark. 

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