Another Lycan

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"Monsieur Petrov, I swear I'm not siding with the witches! I didn't do this!" Madam Argent cried out, feeling the silver handcuffs behind her burn her skin. "This was a setup!" She sodded.

Maxim walked around her, "then why did you have your manager killed?" He asked, keeping an emotionless face.

Madam Argent's swollen face painfully pulled up at the shocked experience. "What?" She whispered.

Maxim smiled briefly, "Isaac's ashes were found in his apartment." Standing before her, he said, "Of course, we searched for evidence on what happened... However, there was no sign of fire, so... Witches."

She broke out in a sob, "Please believe me! Please—" she cut off by her gasp of pain and shock.

She slowly tilted her head to see a steel bald through her chest before looking up. "I don't believe you," he growled.

"What now, Maxim?" A man's voice behind Maxim, who was looking down at the lifeless body.

He sighed, "Wait for the King to wake up..."


Laura's POV

I felt a gentle squeeze, and my grin widened in excitement as our baby's heartbeat echoed in the office room.

I glanced over to Nate, who looked so happy. He was staring at the monitor of our baby's ultrasound. He glanced at me excitedly as he lifted my hand and kissed my knuckle.

I was five months and three weeks pregnant.

"... And it's a boy," Dr Karen said, smiling warmly. "Also, he is healthy."

"That's my son," Nate said proudly before leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

"Congratulations, your Highness, within nine weeks, he'll be born," she said as she turned off the machine and wiped the gel on my stomach. "Since you are close to the final term, I advise you to avoid shifting because it is said that female lycans will have miscarriages. So you have to rely on your abilities when protecting yourself, your Highness."

"Thanks," I softly said as I pushed myself up, and Nate helped me down.

"See you next time?" She asked, and we nodded, "Good day." She bowed her head in respect. Nate gently placed his hand on my back and opened the door for me like a gentleman he was. Since the bump started showing, Nate began to be overprotective.

"Nate!" Sean called out, walking towards us. "You received a call from John-"

"They finally woke up!?" I asked in shock. They were stuck in a coma for a month and three weeks.

"Well... He said that he woke up a month ago but needed to recover to gain full strength until he could announce his comeback," Sean said, rolling his eyes. "You understand John loves his comebacks." He said, looking over at me.

"Is there going to be a party for his comeback?" Nate asked, "Because I won't be attending." He said, pulling me close to his chest.

I laughed, "Don't be mean to him." I said, hitting his chest. "So why the sudden call?" I asked.

Sean shrugged his shoulder, and Nate spoke, "We'll know when it comes, but right now, I need to see how training is going." I feel it was Maxim's idea for John to keep quiet about his awakening. I may not know much about Maxim, but I felt awful when I saw him. He's a cruel, cruel, nasty man.

I don't want to see him ever again.


"Laura!" I smiled, seeing Kelly and Tracy calling out to me.

"Come on," Tracy said, waving at me. I kissed Nate's cheek, pulled away from him, and wobbled over to Tracy and Kelly. And yes, I told wobbled.

"Hey guys," I said, giving a quick hug from the side.

Tracy and I had become best of friends. She's nice once you get to know her. "So, how's my little niece or nephew?" Kelly squeaked, rubbing my belly. "I can't wait to see how cute he or she will be!"

Tracy chuckled softly, "he or she will be adorable." She said, linking her arm with mine. "So what are you having? A boy or baby girl?" She asked as we walked to where the training was.

I blushed and touched my belly, "a baby boy." I said happily.

Kelly and Tracy squealed joyfully, "we are planning your baby shower." Kelly said, pulling out her phone from her back pocket.

The next thing we knew, Sean grabbed Kelly's phone. "Sorry, sister, but we can't afford to have a baby shower," Nate said, taking Kelly's phone from Sean.

"Why!? Running out of money already?" Kelly asked, placing her fisted hands on her hip and lifting a brow.

"Laura's pregnancy is a secret," Nate glared at his sisters as she glared back at her brother.

"It is not like I will invite the whole world!" She growled.

"Still no!" He growled, "I'm not risking my mate and baby's life." I felt anger coming from Nate, which worried me very much. Since last month, I've been able to feel Nate's feelings. Now, I think Nate doesn't want me to be in danger.

"Nate—" Kelly cuts me off.

"It will be a small gathering!"

"NO!" Nate roared, his eyes flickered from forest green to grey, like Lycan's eyes.

We all gasped, "Nate... Your eyes." I said, more like whispered. He went from rage to shock before he shut his eyes and rubbed his temple. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Suddenly, he disappeared, rushing outside. "NATE!" We called out, chasing after him, following the trail of clothing he took off.

"What's happening to him?" Tracy asked.

Once we were outside, we saw Nate knelt and growling in pain—the sound of cracking bones and ripping off some clothes he still wore. I watched in horror as black fur covered his whole. "He finally got his wolf's back," I heard Sean murmur under his breath.

I snapped my head toward him, "what do you mean?"

He gulped, "huh... Nate had trouble with his wolf, but I guess it was because he became a lycan." I glanced back at Nate as his hands and feet finally shifted into paws. There was silence as he slowly rose onto his paws and held his head high. He stood six feet tall, fur black as coal, and his were grey with a shade of silver. He glanced around in confusion but covered it with confidence and pride.

He's a lycan.

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